Friday, October 9, 2009


Sheriff Joe Arpaio is the stuff folklore is made of. He’s the “stand alone” guy of Arizona’s Maricopa County who is upholding the law by arresting and detaining illegal aliens by the hundreds in compliance with existing local, state and federal laws, and he seems to be the only one in the country who is doing it. New the federal government has relieved him of his authority and responsibility for applying apply federal laws to the issue. Arpaio cites statistics to show that his enforcement, supported and appreciated by most of those living in Maricopa County, has reduced crime by 19%.

The Justice Department is wearing the Administration's future intentions on its sleeves. They will grant amnesty to those illegals currently living here, give them free health care under the new “government-run public option,” and open the doors for tens of thousands more to come. At some point, I suppose, those of us who believe in the history and foundations of this country will become the minority.

Q. So, it comes out that there will be cuts in Medicare for about 50% of the $829 billion cost and the rest will be paid for in various forms of taxes and fees that the citizens will ultimately have to pay. How can they even think about adding more financial burdens to us when we’re already in a major economic slump and struggling to make ends meet?
(Frank – New Hartford, CT)
A. It’s very simple. None of them have to make ends meet. And, they’re going to be really hurting seniors, by raising taxes in fixed-income situations and by taking away medical benefits, which means more out-of-pocket expenses.They , of course, will have their gold-plated Congressional plans all of the way through their retirement years, paid for by us.

Q. I hear that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are having a spat?
(Thad – Hurricane, UT)
A. Yes. Nancy was ready to tell a lie and Harry beat her to it. Eeeew.

Q. What’s all of the hullabaloo about swine flu vaccine and chip implants and government conspiracies?
(Irene – Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, FL)
A. It’s a left wing conspiracy to make the right wing conspiracy look like conspirators.

“I thought then, and I think now, that the invasion of Iraq was unnecessary and unjust. And I think the premises on which it was launched were false.”
- Jimmy Carter


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