President Obama has made it clear that he does not intend to comply with military requests for more troops in Afghanistan. Although the general consensus, (no play on words intended), is that more troops are necessary to prevent a Taliban win, the White House now says that it wants to examine the possibility that some dialogue with the Taliban might result in a peaceful resolution that gives the Taliban some say in a future Afghanistan government.
We need to get out now. Withdraw all troops and get them home in time for Christmas. We obviously no longer have the stomach for this war and we are prepared to deal with the probabilities that Al Queda will reestablish training camps in Afghanistan and we’ll have another 9/11. Better our troops get killed on American soil than in Afghanistan, right?
Q. I hear they are going to get rid of the medical tax reduction? (Sebastian – Albany, CA)
A. Step one is to raise the bar from being able to claim medical expenses, from 7.5% of your adjusted gross income to 10.0%. Now, if you are a senior on Medicare who’s going to have reduced benefits, you’re going to see higher insurance costs as well plus the loss of this tax write-off. Old folks are going to get screwed…three times.
Q. What is your response to the claim that the new health care plan won’t cost us a dime more, but will actually cost less? (April – Springdale, AR)
A. There’s a 12 foot trout in Hat Creek.
Q. Here you have been picking on Obama for months and now he wins the Nobel Prize. You’ve got to feel like a total cad. (Garth – Hot Springs, AR)
A. Yeah, that puts him in the same category as Jimmy Carter, another great President….
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” – Adolf Hitler
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