Sunday, October 4, 2009


Iran’s illustrious President accused the U.S. President of making much ado about nothing regarding it’s “newly discovered” secret reactor site, arguing that Tehran reported the facility to the U.N. even earlier than required. Obama and the leaders of France and Britain accused Iran of keeping the construction hidden from the world for years. The U.S. president said last month that Iran's actions "raised grave doubts" about its promise to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes only. (This news from Obama upstaged France and Britain and has caused a cooling of relations, particularly between France and the U.S.) President Ahmadinejad challenged that view in a speech Saturday, saying that Iran voluntarily revealed the facility to the IAEA in a letter on Sept. 21. He said that was one year earlier than necessary under the agency's rules.

It’s not very often that I would agree with that sawed off little grunt, but there’s a ring of truth to what he says, and Obama has been grasping a straws lately trying to find a glimmer of sunlight among his many adversities. As the soooo Reverend Wright would say, “Maybe his chickens are coming home to roost.”

After making a point of ducking General McChrystal over his request for more Afghanistan troops, Obama suddenly met with the General on Air Force One on his way back from Copenhagen. Why the sudden switch? (Molly – Cayucos, CA)
A. Having failed on the Olympic bid, Obama was looking for a way to justify his trip.

Q. Why don’t we just go bomb the crap out of the Taliban and get it over with?
(Sam – Wallace, ID)
A. The Taliban members who are not holed out in hardened caves on the Pakistani border are hiding under the skirts of innocent women.

Q. Someone told me that Obama said that we can’t improve our unemployment problem until we pass his health care package. Can that be true, or is he a loon?
(Sebastian – Saugerties, NY)
A. I thought I heard that on T.V. yesterday as well, but I was on my fifth bottle of Irish whiskey at the time.

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'. -
Larry Hardiman


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