Sunday, October 11, 2009


Thousands of foreign fighters from several countries have poured into Afghanistan to assist in the Taliban insurgency, Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak said Saturday as he called for more international troops. The remarks came as Obama deliberates whether to substantially increase U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan or to seek a Taliban involved political solution. The minister's comments hit on a key worry of the United States — that not sending enough troops to Afghanistan will reopen the door to al-Qaida. Wardak said about 4,000 fighters, mostly from Chechnya, North Africa and Pakistan have joined with the Taliban.

Meanwhile, back at the White House, Obama continues to shine his Nobel Peace Prize…

Q. I know this sounds tacky, but I always thought you had to accomplish something really great to win a Nobel Prize. Obama hasn’t really accomplished anything yet.
(Alfie – Lake Havasu, AZ)
A. Yes, it is tacky to bring that up but, it does seem as if the Nobel Committee is really lowering standards quite a bit. There’s even the story about a priest in San Juan Capistrano who had to lay off some employees due to our economic crisis and as a result, he’s been awarded the No-Bell-Ringer Prize….

Q. Are Afghans made in Afghanistan?
(Percy – Montpelier, VT)
A. No. Knits make them. Okay, that was lame…. Just thinking of a possible vocation for Obama after he finishes his 5th term…..

Q. I know you have been critical of the rising national debt and Obama’s economic policies. Be honest; is it really all that bad?
(Marcie – Elk Grove, CA)
A. The debt we are inheriting plus the debt being added by Obama will end up being a drag on the national economy for several decades.

“It is far better for anyone to kill a single American soldier than to squander his efforts on other activities.” -
Osama bin Laden


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