Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Over 120 agricultural groups, including the American Farm Bureau, Pork Producers, (not Washington politicians), and several other major ag organizations, have come forward to flatly oppose the Waxman-Markey Cap & Trade Bill. Adam Bransford, National Affairs (not the usual Washington sexual type), Coordinator for the Florida Farm Bureau Association says that “The very essence of Cap-and-Trade is to increase prices so much that consumption, and therefore emissions are reduced.”

It has already been admitted that this legislation, now on the back burner in Congress until the Health Care Plan is shoved you know where, will double the costs for electricity, gas and natural gas within a very short time after implementation. It is also, as you can see, going to stifle any possibility of economic recovery in a reasonable time.

Q. I heard that the new Health Care Plan approved today still has the government-run “option” in it. Why hasn’t Congress gotten the message that we don’t want it?
(Clark – San Dimas, CA)
A. I need to teach you a little about our government. Congress has two Houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each House has committees assigned to various tasks, one of which is to propose legislation. If a committee agrees by vote to propose and allow a Bill out of committee, it goes to the Floor of that particular House for argument and voting. That is essentially what happened today, so the new plan will be argued and put up for a vote on the Senate Floor, where it must pass before being sent on to the Representatives to go through the same process. The Representatives can propose their own legislation, which they have done. There are three Representative proposals being considered. The House can merge their three ideas and pass one Bill and send it to the Senate. If either House passes their full Bill, it goes to the other House which can approve it, change it and send it back, or act on the Bill sent to them by the other House.

In this case, the proposal has just come out of committee. It does, as I understand, contain provisions for the “option.” But, it is a long way from being passed by the Senate and sent to the Representatives. The contents of this Bill are muddy, and I’m not able to offer further comment at this time simply because I don’t have the details. If such a Bill passes both Houses, it then goes to the President for veto or signing to pass, or it can sit around for about three weeks and it becomes law automatically.

Q. When does Obama get any work done? He’s always either traveling or playing golf or being in T.V. interviews.
(Madeline – Las Vegas, NV)
A. He obviously is not getting any work done. He hasn’t accomplished anything yet.

Q. What is Obama’s favorite candy?
(Randy – Plymouth, NH)
A. Suckers.

“America is just downright mean.
- Michelle Obama”


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