The Federal Government is getting ready to severely restrict the manufacture, sale and use of all types of off-road vehicles, based on safety reasons. The Consumer Product Safety Commission will write mandatory rules to regulate the four-wheel vehicles, following some 100 deaths since 2003. It is also eyeballing mandatory warnings on hot dogs, weight restrictions for Americans, the use of cell phones, pay restrictions on corporate executives, and a host of other things that have in the past been left up to individual Americans to decide.
The government is now your God. You have no future rights to cling on to your religions, and as soon as the government gets your guns, you won’t have to hang on to them either. It is time to learn how to bow whenever a government official is in your midst.
Q. I read somewhere that fees for Internet access are about to skyrocket. (Thad – Monticello, ID)
A. Internet Service Providers are on the verge of charging you by the minute. They need the money to pay for their employees' new government mandated health care plans.
Q. I hear Joe Biden has gone to Poland to try and sooth ruffled feathers about our broken promise to provide a missile defense shield? Why didn’t Obama go? (Myra – Woodward, OK)
A. Obama doesn’t know how to eat crow.
Q. Who do you think will win the World Series. No smart aleck answers, please. (Tanya – Oildale, CA)
A. That answer apparently depends on the umpires.
“In politics stupidity is not a handicap.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
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