Saturday, October 31, 2009


The President of the United States was meeting yesterday with his top Marxist advisors and others to decide what to do about more troops and a strategy in Afghanistan. At the end of the day and after weeks of delays, Obama finally decided to call in the Joint Chiefs of Staff for at least a photo op. The top two guys in the field, Petraeus and McChrystal, have not been invited for even the photo op.

Truman spent less time and energy deciding on whether or not to use the A-Bomb in Japan. On the other hand, Carter pussy-footed around with Iran for months and look where it got him... Meanwhile, the likes of Sputin, Mooon and Aaawkmandineejad are rolling around on their carpets in endless laughter; this President is caught in that rock hard place between his radical Muslim upbringing and proven American military tactics. If Goldwater were still around, he’s repeat that phrase, “Either shit or get off the pot or we’ll be in there ten years from now.”

Q. What are you doing for Halloween?
(Polly – North Bergen, NJ)
A. I’m going to hang out with the C.I.A. and “spook” Nancy Pelosi’s place.

Q. What is Nancy Pelosi’s nickname in the House?
(Porky – San Dimas, CA)
A. I don’t know for certain, but I think it’s “The Broom Lady.”

Q. What is Obama going to do for Halloween?
(Mollie – Wausau, WI)
A. Sulk

“Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism”
Barry Goldwater


Friday, October 30, 2009


A new USA Election Poll shows that:
• 42% and 25% have a positive view of the Democratic and Republican parties respectively.
41% want their member of congress to win reelection.

The Republicans think they are out of trouble? And, as I’ve said many times before, every member of Congress should be fired.

Q. Why is Sarah Palin not backing a Republican in New York’s 23rd District Congressional race next week?
(Brady – Green Valley, AZ)
A. She believes the Republicans have lost their core values and she is backing the Conservative Party candidate in that race. I agree with her.

Q. If we fire all of the Members of Congress, where will we get manure for our crops?
(Steve – Garden City, KS)
A. My sentiments exactly.

Q. Why is Obama stalling on the Afghanistan decision?
(Eugenia – Blythe, CA)
A. Right now, he’s pondering what will happen to his Facebook profile if he loses his Government-Run Health Care Plan.

“Hell hath no fury like a House Speaker scorned.”
Unknown Scribbler

TODAY’S VIDEO: “Speaking of Manure”

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Three alarming strategies are now on the front burners in Washington: (1) The Attorney General and White House are working behind the scenes at elimination of private ownership of guns by pursuing a theory that the Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment only applies to Federal territories, such as Washington, D.C. the Virgin Islands, the Philippines, etc. Therefore, they will argue, states can pass laws banning guns and gun ownership and, if the states want any more Federal funding, they’d better play the game according to White House rules.

(2) Now that the government has successfully intruded its rules into banks and business that have taken Federal money or loans, such as capping executive pay, the Feds want to extend their commands into the private business sector whether the businesses have taken Federal aid or not. Next to come: homeowners who are grasping for any way out of losing their houses to foreclosure, and new homeowners who have used the $8,000 Federal Income Tax credit in buying their homes, may be faced with government mandates with respect to how much energy they use, what kinds of cars they drive, etc.

Finally, (3) the President is about to receive autonomous authority from the Congress to shut down the Internet whenever he wants to. The Bill does not even require approval of Congress or some special emergency committee before the President acts. If the Internet goes off, the economy collapses. You can’t get your money out of your bank, you can’t buy gas, you can’t buy food, all movements of freight stop, planes can’t fly, the electrical grid goes down…. And the people become totally powerless.

If you think I’m a fear monger, ask yourself why so many White House staff members are backing Anita Dunn in her love affair with the teachings of Mao Tse-Tung.

Q. I hear a lot of ruckus about Obama inviting his campaign donors to indulge in “White House perks.” Didn’t Bush do that, too?
(Quint – Houghton, MI)
A. Yes, and so did Clinton and Bush 1. The problem is that this borders on the very verge of influence peddling and smells of corruption. The “Washington establishment” is so used to participating in such schemes that they don’t see anything wrong with it.

Q. Where did this piece of crap called Alan Grayson come from?
(Fran – Lewistown, MT)
A. Congressman Grayson comes from Florida. I think he epitomizes how a lot of far-left radicals think, and the White House is infested with people just like him.

Q. What is this “Gay Rights” legislation that Obama just signed?
(Sarge – South San Francisco, CA)
A. Essentially, it says that anyone who commits a crime against a gay person has committed a “hate crime” that carries an added prison term. However, if someone beats up a straight person, that is okay.

“The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do.”
- Joseph Stalin


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Obama stubbornly refuses to make a decision on more troops until November 7th.

What an ugly truth: Our President plays far-left politics while American servicemen die.

Q. Who is it that has the audacity to say allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire so that taxes go up, is NOT a tax increase, but is simply an expiration of old policy?
(Bridget – Lynchburg, VA)
A. I believe that was Nancy Pelosi with a smirk on her face.

Q. Why did Harry Reid try to deceive Americans by claiming that the new “opt out” government-run option plan in the Health Care Bill is a major change? And, what if a state does “opt out;” doesn’t that means that residents of that state will still have to pay higher taxes?
(Jon – Madison, AL)
A. You are “right on.” Reid wants to keep all of the bad contents of the Health Care Plan by converting it to the “Stealth Care” Plan. In other words, he, Pelosi and Obama are thumbing their collective noses at Americans and we need to stand up and shout like never before.

Q. Do you think the Republican gubernatorial candidates will win next week in New Jersey and Virginia?
(Pam – Columbus, MS)
A. Yes, unfortunately. And, I think the Republican Party will jump and shout claims that the vote proves they have mended their ways and should be in charge of the country when, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. All it will prove is that residents of those states don’t like Polobamatics.

I think it is absolutely essential in a democracy to have competition in the media, a lot of competition, and we seem to be moving away from that.”
- Walter Cronkite


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Over 120 agricultural groups, including the American Farm Bureau, Pork Producers, (not Washington politicians), and several other major ag organizations, have come forward to flatly oppose the Waxman-Markey Cap & Trade Bill. Adam Bransford, National Affairs (not the usual Washington sexual type), Coordinator for the Florida Farm Bureau Association says that “The very essence of Cap-and-Trade is to increase prices so much that consumption, and therefore emissions are reduced.”

It has already been admitted that this legislation, now on the back burner in Congress until the Health Care Plan is shoved you know where, will double the costs for electricity, gas and natural gas within a very short time after implementation. It is also, as you can see, going to stifle any possibility of economic recovery in a reasonable time.

Q. I heard that the new Health Care Plan approved today still has the government-run “option” in it. Why hasn’t Congress gotten the message that we don’t want it?
(Clark – San Dimas, CA)
A. I need to teach you a little about our government. Congress has two Houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each House has committees assigned to various tasks, one of which is to propose legislation. If a committee agrees by vote to propose and allow a Bill out of committee, it goes to the Floor of that particular House for argument and voting. That is essentially what happened today, so the new plan will be argued and put up for a vote on the Senate Floor, where it must pass before being sent on to the Representatives to go through the same process. The Representatives can propose their own legislation, which they have done. There are three Representative proposals being considered. The House can merge their three ideas and pass one Bill and send it to the Senate. If either House passes their full Bill, it goes to the other House which can approve it, change it and send it back, or act on the Bill sent to them by the other House.

In this case, the proposal has just come out of committee. It does, as I understand, contain provisions for the “option.” But, it is a long way from being passed by the Senate and sent to the Representatives. The contents of this Bill are muddy, and I’m not able to offer further comment at this time simply because I don’t have the details. If such a Bill passes both Houses, it then goes to the President for veto or signing to pass, or it can sit around for about three weeks and it becomes law automatically.

Q. When does Obama get any work done? He’s always either traveling or playing golf or being in T.V. interviews.
(Madeline – Las Vegas, NV)
A. He obviously is not getting any work done. He hasn’t accomplished anything yet.

Q. What is Obama’s favorite candy?
(Randy – Plymouth, NH)
A. Suckers.

“America is just downright mean.
- Michelle Obama”


Monday, October 26, 2009


Maine is getting ready to tackle the issue of legalized gay marriage at the polls. As in California, the 39% who favor legalized gay marriage are insisting that a vote by a majority of citizens to insert a Constitutional provision against gay marriage is trumped by Court decisions.

Just as in the case of the Health Care Plan, the minority is insisting on imposing its will on the majority, whether they like it or not. And, the minorities on many issues have been getting away with it for years.

Why isn’t anybody buying lobsters these days? (Caroline – Eureka, CA)
A. No one in this country has any money, except Tim Geithner.

Q. Do you think that Christmas retail sales will pick up this year?
(Monique – Palm Springs, CA)
A. No. People are struggling to pay for everyday necessities.

Q. Why has the number of bombings and deaths in Iraq suddenly shot up?
(Danny – Lewiston, ID)
A. Because, like the Stimulus Package, Obama’s Iraq policy is not working.

“If everybody in this town connected with politics had to leave town because of chasing women and drinking, you would have no government.”
- Barry Goldwater


Sunday, October 25, 2009


Since August 20th, the White House has kept the lid on Obama’s appointment of two devout muslims to top watchdog positions in the Department of Homeland Security. Obama and Janet Napolitano appointed Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Kareem Shoraand , who was born in Damascus, Syria as ADC National Executive Director and as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.

Maybe this is why Obama wants so very much to control all of the press and media? Every minute of every day, our President makes it more dangerous for us to live in this country. Remember the hell we raised when we found out that the Saudis were going to be in charge of security at our ports? And these two top security appointments haven’t even made the news? Talk about scary, we depend on our national press and media to tell us about these things.

Q. I’ve been out of work for eight months, and I feel so useless. What can I do to make things better?
(Tim – Paterson, NJ)
A. Spend some time sitting in City Council meetings. Get involved and get a voice in your community, county, state or even national level. Become informed on the issues that are important to you and all Americans. You can use your time now to good advantage for you and your country. We need your help.

Q. I hear Hannity talking all of the time about how the Republicans are going to really win a lot of elected jobs in 2010. What is your take?
(Bobbie – Madras, OR)
A. As far as my voting goes, the Republicans have yet to show me that they are organized and heading in the right direction. I think the country is looking for good, down-to-earth leadership and there is no political party offering that right now. I don’t know if Hannity’s prediction will come true, but I certainly hope that none of these incumbent nits from either party get re-elected.

Q. I keep hearing that the housing industry is back to being in full gear. Since you live in logging country, you should have a good idea about how much lumber is actually moving. Is it true?
(Arnie – Marshall, MO)
A. The major operator around here is Sierra Pacific. They have more timber in their yards right now than I have ever seen. Chippers, those who chip poorer grades of trees and tree limbs for use in manufacturing particle board for construction, etc., are hauling 75 to 80 miles away to find buyers. So, I question what we are being told. However and on the bright side, I think everyone in that industry is still working, even if their hours may have been cut.

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
- Patrick Henry


Saturday, October 24, 2009


Top Administration officials have put out the word that no one is to talk to Fox News. Fox News is not a “bonafide” news organization, but is an “opinion mill” that is owned and controlled by the Republican Party. Fox is therefore not to be granted interviews by any Administration employee and the door may soon close on Fox News access to White House Press Conferences. Any media or press outlet that picks up a story put out by Fox News and repeats it, investigates it, or gives it any credence in any way whatsoever… will be punished in the same manner.

The fact that more people watch Fox News than all of the other network news programs simply must change. The White House, not Fox News, will decide what Americans are entitled to know. And, if we don’t like it, that’s tough “s—t,” Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech be damned.

President Barack Obama is showing the nation what the “Hussein” in his name really means. The Royal Storm Troopers are shining up their boots. Other organizations on the "hit list" include the National Chamber of Commerce and anyone else who has had the audacity to say what they think about the growing dictatorship on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Q. I hear that the Senate Health Care Bill has now grown to over 1,500 pages. What can a Bill that large possibly contain?
(Cy – Red Bluff, CA)
A. Gobbledygook, deception, misrepresentation, loopholes, and a government-run health care segment.

Q. Why are Americans tolerating what is going on in Washington?
(Sylvia – Warwick, RI)
A. I don’t think Americans are going to tolerate it much longer.

Q. Is Sacramento being over run by dogs and cats?
(Marie – Oxnard, CA)
A. Yes, and not of the political kind, either. Sacramento has put down over 56,000 dogs and cats since 2007, and most of those animals weren’t even senior citizens, either.

“Politics is when you say you are going to do one thing while intending to do another. Then you do neither what you said nor what you intended.”
- Saddam Hussein


Friday, October 23, 2009


The proposed $250 billion special allocation to doctors to cover anticipated lost revenues from Medicare under the proposed new government-run health care plan was defeated in the Senate when 13 Democrats joined Republicans to vote against it.

Look for Obama to say that we can afford the new Health Care Plan because Congress just saved us $250 billion off the price tag. Experience tells me that the $250 billion will show up later as an add-on to some other bill, such as Cap and Trade.

Q. I hear that there has been some discussion about banning popcorn sales in America. How can that be true?
(Barney – Pasco, WA)
A. I haven’t been able to confirm your story. However, popcorn eaters usually add butter and salt, both of which are considered to be unhealthy, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see that as an obscure provision of the new Health Care Plan.

Q. I understand that the White House has warned newspapers and radio/T.V. outlets not to repeat Fox News stories, or to investigate and report on the truth of Fox News Reports, or they will be punished. Is that true? (Bethany – Schenectady, NY)
A. Yes.

Q. Is ACORN dead?
(Arland – Alexandria, KS)
A. No way. They will surface under a new name and will be supported by the Administration. That’s part of the charade they are playing.

“Let me tell you who we conservatives are: we love people. When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don't see groups. We don't see victims.”
- Rush Limbaugh


Thursday, October 22, 2009


The Federal Government is getting ready to severely restrict the manufacture, sale and use of all types of off-road vehicles, based on safety reasons. The Consumer Product Safety Commission will write mandatory rules to regulate the four-wheel vehicles, following some 100 deaths since 2003. It is also eyeballing mandatory warnings on hot dogs, weight restrictions for Americans, the use of cell phones, pay restrictions on corporate executives, and a host of other things that have in the past been left up to individual Americans to decide.

The government is now your God. You have no future rights to cling on to your religions, and as soon as the government gets your guns, you won’t have to hang on to them either. It is time to learn how to bow whenever a government official is in your midst.

Q. I read somewhere that fees for Internet access are about to skyrocket.
(Thad – Monticello, ID)
A. Internet Service Providers are on the verge of charging you by the minute. They need the money to pay for their employees' new government mandated health care plans.

Q. I hear Joe Biden has gone to Poland to try and sooth ruffled feathers about our broken promise to provide a missile defense shield? Why didn’t Obama go?
(Myra – Woodward, OK)
A. Obama doesn’t know how to eat crow.

Q. Who do you think will win the World Series. No smart aleck answers, please.
(Tanya – Oildale, CA)
A. That answer apparently depends on the umpires.

“In politics stupidity is not a handicap.”
- Napoleon Bonaparte


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Inspector General Neil Barofsky is now saying that, contrary to staunch promises made by Barack Obama, Ben Bernanke, and the so-called financial wonder boy Tim Geithner, "it's unrealistic to think we're going to get all of that money back." The trio, in the process of acting like storm troopers on the way to greet Luke Skywalker, told the public we needed to have the TARP money immediately, or the world would end; they also promised we would get all of the money back. The full story deserves a quick read, because there’s more bad news revealed:

I told you so when the money was going out. Now they want more. They want more stimulus money. They can’t account for what they got and what they got isn’t working. They lie, they lie, they lie and you want to believe them when they talk about healthcare?

Obama says that he is not to blame for the national debt, and that George Bush caused it. Is that so? (Fay – Weed, CA)
A. The national debt goes way back in history. Bush surely did nothing to rein spending in, but Obama has added more to the national debt than all previous Presidents combined and he’s only been in office nine months.

Q. Why is the White House in a full-scale attack against Fox News?
(Sonny – Amarillo, TX)
A. Because Fox has refused to go along with White House demands that they report the news the way the White House wants it reported. The White House is corrupt and they don’t want us to realize it. Anita Dunn reportedly said that they do not release any news unless they can "control" the story.

Q. Did I hear this morning that Congress is about to give the medical doctors $250 billion of our money if they will endorse the government-run health care plan?
(Babs – South Lake Tahoe, NV)
A. Essentially, that is what you heard.

A country without money is not only broke, it’s broken.
- Unknown Scribbler


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a severe gun control measure into law. Assembly Bill 962, which takes effect on February 1, 2011, mandates that individuals purchasing ammunition be fingerprinted and registered and outlaws mail order ammunition purchases. The bill also requires dealers to maintain these records indefinitely. Ammunition retailers will also be required to store ammunition away from purchasers. AB 962 failed to garner support from Attorney General Brown, or any law enforcement organization; 15 sheriffs wrote letters of opposition to this legislation.

As if anyone planning to commit a crime of any kind with a gun is going to comply. All this will do is force criminals t head for a neighboring state to buy ammo and it will create a black market for ammo sales. It will be a nuisance for legal gun owners and is likely to decrease income for gun and ammo shops. Similar laws enacted in other states have been repealed because they failed to reduce gun crime.

Q. I heard speculation on a T.V. show last week that Generals Petreus and McChrystal might quit if Obama doesn’t back them in Afghanistan. What would that mean? (Chauncy – Westwood Village, CA)
A. I don’t think Obama understands what a loss of valuable knowledge and ability that would be. He’d probably replace one of them with Huey Newton.

Q. Where’s Janet Reno these days? (Lora – Tuba City, AZ)
A. Hanging out with the rest of the alligators in Florida.

Q. Do you think we will have a national legalization of gay marriage soon? (Bruce – Covington, KY)
A. In Obama’s third term.

“Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers should lead the Democratic Party. They are the only Democrats with any convictions.” - Evan Sayet


Monday, October 19, 2009


While the Administration has been leading Americans to believe that the national debt will grow less than $90 billion due to the proposed new Health Care Plan, it has not been painting an accurate picture of what is really happening to the nation's economy. News is now leaking out that our current national deficit will grow by $1 trillion per year for the next ten (10) years! This does not include the $60 billion that Congress is contemplating today for extended unemployment benefits, a seniors stimulus or a new stimulus for doctors… all alleged to be political payoffs by the Republican Party in a not-so-subtle attempt to silence growing opposition to the Health Care Plan which in turn is slated to actually add another $1 trillion to government spending.

This is beyond unbelievable… It’s unbearable taxation coming on us and our children and grandchildren.

Q. Which news network do you trust the most?
(Ivy – Kenmore, WA)
A. I don’t trust any news network. These days, I question everything I hear. I think FOX is more “fair and balanced” than the rest, but I still question everything they say. The problem is that the “free press” is not free. It costs money to produce, and money is the return in the way of advertising and other revenues, so the tendency is to tell the news in such a way that people will watch it and buy it. Therefore, real news always gets manipulated.

Q. I wrote a lot of bad checks in Nevada casinos. Can they come after me in California? I thought gambling debts were illegal.
(Brad – Burney, CA)
A. As a general rule, gambling debts are not collectible in states other than Nevada. However, when you write a check, the assumption is that not all of the money is used for gambling, and a bad check is a bad check. Your best bet, (play on words intended), is to contact the casinos and attempt to work out a repayment plan.

Q. What’s your advice for a home remedy for the swine flu?
(Noah – Bristol Bay, AK)
A. Buy a drawing ticket for the American Legion Post 441 pig raffle. I happen to have some available. $2 each or 12 for $20.

“Democracy passes into despotism.”
- Plato


Sunday, October 18, 2009


The country was becoming disenchanted with the George W. Bush economic policies when Osama bin Laden & Company took down the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The country immediately rallied around “W” and forgot all about our economic mess, which festered for seven more years before landing in Obama’s lap.

Obama has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that he is the worst President the country has ever had, surpassing Jimmy Carter with that honor by miles. Is Obama now actively looking to support Pakistan without committing more troops to Afghanistan so that the “locals” can bring down Osama, thereby making Obama into a national hero without besmirching his new Nobel Peace Prize?

That would amount to playing politics in order to get the health care plan passed, gun control, and other things on the Obama agenda. Being from Chicago, Obama probably doesn’t know how to play politics, or does he?

Sometimes, I get so sick of watching politicians work that I just want to barf. But, I have to admit that I most surely am looking forward to getting my $250 Senior Citizens stimulus bribe.

Q. After all of the screaming of “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” why do you think we didn’t find any when we invaded Iraq?
(Ginny – Scranton, PA)
A. Because George Bush gave Saddam Hussein about a year’s worth of warning time in which to hide them.

Q. Do you think Obama will be able to maintain Bush’s ability to keep al Queda terrorism out of the U.S.?
(Mysty – Fair Oaks, CA)
A. I think that Osama has been quietly infiltrating the U.S. with more trained terrorists. We’ve caught a few, but I think hundreds more are here and it’s just a matter of when we are going to have a very, very rude awakening. What scares me more is that President Obama has publicly said that, if he has to choice between us and them, he’ll choose them.

Q. So, we’re meeting with Iran about their nuclear program. What do you think will happen?
(Marty – Yellow Lake, MT)
A. Actually, the IAEA is meeting with Iran and I truly think that the only thing to occur will be the issuance of a lot of statements reminiscent of the pre-Iraq invasion. Take their claims that we are responsible for bombing and killing some of their top revolutionary guards, for example.

“In recent years, anyone in the government, certainly anyone in the FBI or the CIA, or recently, in again, Clint's film, In the Line of Fire, the main bad guy is the chief advisor to the president.”
- Charlton Heston


Saturday, October 17, 2009


Hurricane Rick, with winds at 190 miles and above, is in the Gulf and heading toward Mexico.

This will be the biggest blow hard we’ve had in the Western Hemisphere in my memory except, of course, Congress.

Q. You are constantly picking on Obama. Are you a racist?
(Gordon- Ithaca, NY)
A. Until Obama came along, I thought Jimmy Carter was the worst President in American history. If I remember correctly, Jimmy Carter is white.

Q. Is the Obama Administration trying to influence our children through propaganda in schools?
(Valerie – Spokane, WA)
A. No doubt about it. Obama is also trying to brainwash everyday Americans through his constant and continuing appearances on television as well.

Q. Do you honestly feel that we will really declare the 12-15 million illegal Americans to be legal?
(Hank – Bartlesville, OK)
A. Not only will Obama do that, but he will also leave the borders virtually open. He’s already quietly signaling his intentions by moving Border Patrol agents to the Canadian border.

“I hereby accuse the North American empire of being the biggest menace to our planet.”
- Hugo Chavez


Friday, October 16, 2009


Administration goes after Glenn Beck, Fox News, insurance companies, unions, Rush Limbaugh….

Obviously they’re doing many things they don’t want us to know about, or they wouldn’t be getting bent out of shape. Obviously they expect total compliance with all Imperial Edicts or their bowels wouldn’t be in such an uproar.

Q. What do you think the U.S. will do if Iran refuses to cooperate on the nuclear issues?
(Howard – La Mesa, CA)
A. Whine.

Q. Do you look on Rush Limbaugh as being the leader of the Republican Party?
(Bill – Cato, WI
A. At this moment in time, I think his is the voice of conservative Republicans. I don’t think the Republican Party has a leader, which is why they continue to flounder.

Q. Since you’re not happy with either political party, what do you suggest?
(Carole – Northwood, ND)
A. I think both parties have totally lost it with America. They have both betrayed our trust and they have both allowed their party values to disintegrate. Now is probably the best time in recent history for a new, energetic, vibrant party with down-to-earth American values to emerge. So far, unfortunately, I don’t see any signs of that happening.

“The real cure for what ails our health care system today is less government and more freedom.”
- Steve Forbes


Thursday, October 15, 2009


White House "Strong-Arm" and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is meeting in secret with Senators Reid, Dodd and Baucus to try to “hammer out” a compromise between the Baucus Bill and the Senate Health Committee Bill, which will then be “merged” with the House Bill and put up for votes, presumably before the media or the public get a chance to read one word of it. Reid refused to allow a proposal to require the Senate version to be published on the Internet for 72 hours before a vote; Pelosi promptly promised she would allow 72 hours, so a similar measure was proposed yesterday and Pelosi, true as she always is to her word, has been working diligently behind the scenes to kill that 72 hour proposal.

In the meanwhile, insurance companies have come forward to protest against the Senate Bill and the Administration has been quick to let them know that they will pay major penalties for their errant ways; retribution is on the front burner. But, in an unexpected twist, 27 major national labor unions announced yesterday afternoon that they will also oppose the Bill. This opposition appeared in newspaper ads after Emanuel specifically asked for their support.

The entire Government Health Care Plan, as it is envisioned by Reid, Pelosi and Obama, appears to be in trouble. I look for them to make an all-out emergency “damn the torpedoes, full-steam-ahead” attempt to slam the legislation through both Houses by the end of October in order to try to defeat growing serious opposition. Keep your eyes diligently on what is said and what is happening between now and tomorrow afternoon…. Specifically, if they decide to work over the weekend, they’ll be up to no good.

Why isn’t the House of Representatives willing to tackle Charles Wrangel for his misdeeds?
(Marge – Raleigh, NC)
A. Because, if they do that, then they will have to deal with several other Democratic House miscreants…

Q. If the economy is in such dire straits, why does the stock market keep coming back?
(Lyle – Corona del Mar, CA)
A. I don’t know that the trend will continue very much longer.

Q. What’s your suggestion for living to a high age?
(Jan – Renton, WA)
A. Don’t die young.

“I once said, ‘We will bury you,’ and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.”
- Nikita Khrushchev


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The Bill has been jawboned to death, but has yet to be written. Two Republicans voted for the Bill, (Baucus, naturally, and Snowe who insists she won’t vote for it as is if it gets to the floor in its present form). They needed Snowe’s vote to provide the 60% needed to pass the Bill onto the floor.

The presumption is that the way this works is they jawbone and come to some basic agreements which they vote on, and then the SEIU or ACORN writes the Bill which supposedly will embody only the agreements that the Committee voted upon. Hopefully, we Americans will wise up some day and put a stop to this blatant circumvention of our Constitution.

Q. Do you have any comment on the Pope’s naming of five new saints?
(Ray – Tehachapi, CA)
A. I was very surprised not to see Obama’s name on the list.

Q. I heard that they are trying to diminish Columbus in schools.
(Nancy – Chamblee, GA)
A. They are teaching that he was one mean S.O.B. who did not, in fact discover America because… there were already people living here.

Q. Who do you think will win the World Series?
(Dallas – Valley City, ND)
A. Well, since Obama is not playing, I’m at a loss to pick a winner.

"We--with God's help--call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson."
- Feb. 1998 - Bin Laden edict


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


North Korea Fires off more missiles in defiance of U.S. while insurance companies, (who Obama has been claiming support his public-option government-run health plan), come out against the health care plan while Feinstein criticizes his decision delays on Afghanistan and speculation surfaces that Petreus and McChrystal may resign.

Judging by his past performance, this is probably when Obama will get on Air Force One and go to American Samoa and the Philippines to survey the damages there.

Q. Why does the Gay march on Washington occupy much of the weekend news while the fact that tens of thousands of medical professionals marched on Washington to protest the impending Health Care cram-down get totally ignored?
(Clark – Falls Church, VA)
A. The illustrious media has its priorities.

Q. What do you think caused the deaths of those people in the sweat lodge?
(Andy – Annapolis, MD)
A. No sweat.

Q. Would the Government-run Health Care Plan really provide 10 million new jobs?
(Virginia – Folsom, CA)
A. Yes. On the other hand, 12 million in the current system will lose theirs.

"The pieces of the bodies of infidels were flying like dust particles. If you would have seen it with your own eyes, you would have been very pleased, and your heart would have been filled with joy."
- Osama bin Laden At the wedding of his son in southern Kandahar about the 17 sailors who died suicide bombing of the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen


Monday, October 12, 2009


Unless there is a last-minute change of strategy, the Senate Finance Committee vote on the Baucus Health Care Plan will be held tomorrow.

Baucus, a Republican, will join the 12 Democrats on the committee for passage. Expect a 13-10 vote in favor of the Bill. It will then move to the Senate floor. At this writing, I expect it to fail in the Senate by a narrow margin. It will then be up to Harry Reid to decide whether or not to try the “Nuclear Option.”

Q. I hear that many Republican members of Congress are now ready to vote for the new Government-Run Health Care Plan. Why?
(Doris – Burns, OR)
A. Because they know they are not going to get reelected anyway and they owe Pelosi, Reid and Obama political favors.

Q. What are people doing who have run out of unemployment benefits and have exhausted their savings? How are they surviving?
(Minnie – Gary, IN)
A. They don’t have house payments anymore because of foreclosure. They don’t have credit card payments anymore because their credit cards have been written off as bad debts. They have clothing that hasn’t worn out yet, so, all they have to worry about is food. Thank God for charities, but Obama is going to close that gap by getting rid of charitable donations as a tax write-off. This is beyond sad; it’s a tragedy of humanity that has been caused for Marxist political reasons.

Q. There has been much joking about Obama being called the “Messiah.” Does he believe that anointment?”
(Wes - Manchester, OH)
A. I don’t think so; judging by his track record so far, I believe he sees himself more along the lines of Allah.

“A state is better governed which has few laws, and those laws strictly observed.”
- Rene Descartes


Sunday, October 11, 2009


Thousands of foreign fighters from several countries have poured into Afghanistan to assist in the Taliban insurgency, Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak said Saturday as he called for more international troops. The remarks came as Obama deliberates whether to substantially increase U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan or to seek a Taliban involved political solution. The minister's comments hit on a key worry of the United States — that not sending enough troops to Afghanistan will reopen the door to al-Qaida. Wardak said about 4,000 fighters, mostly from Chechnya, North Africa and Pakistan have joined with the Taliban.

Meanwhile, back at the White House, Obama continues to shine his Nobel Peace Prize…

Q. I know this sounds tacky, but I always thought you had to accomplish something really great to win a Nobel Prize. Obama hasn’t really accomplished anything yet.
(Alfie – Lake Havasu, AZ)
A. Yes, it is tacky to bring that up but, it does seem as if the Nobel Committee is really lowering standards quite a bit. There’s even the story about a priest in San Juan Capistrano who had to lay off some employees due to our economic crisis and as a result, he’s been awarded the No-Bell-Ringer Prize….

Q. Are Afghans made in Afghanistan?
(Percy – Montpelier, VT)
A. No. Knits make them. Okay, that was lame…. Just thinking of a possible vocation for Obama after he finishes his 5th term…..

Q. I know you have been critical of the rising national debt and Obama’s economic policies. Be honest; is it really all that bad?
(Marcie – Elk Grove, CA)
A. The debt we are inheriting plus the debt being added by Obama will end up being a drag on the national economy for several decades.

“It is far better for anyone to kill a single American soldier than to squander his efforts on other activities.” -
Osama bin Laden


Saturday, October 10, 2009


President Obama has made it clear that he does not intend to comply with military requests for more troops in Afghanistan. Although the general consensus, (no play on words intended), is that more troops are necessary to prevent a Taliban win, the White House now says that it wants to examine the possibility that some dialogue with the Taliban might result in a peaceful resolution that gives the Taliban some say in a future Afghanistan government.

We need to get out now. Withdraw all troops and get them home in time for Christmas. We obviously no longer have the stomach for this war and we are prepared to deal with the probabilities that Al Queda will reestablish training camps in Afghanistan and we’ll have another 9/11. Better our troops get killed on American soil than in Afghanistan, right?

Q. I hear they are going to get rid of the medical tax reduction?
(Sebastian – Albany, CA)
A. Step one is to raise the bar from being able to claim medical expenses, from 7.5% of your adjusted gross income to 10.0%. Now, if you are a senior on Medicare who’s going to have reduced benefits, you’re going to see higher insurance costs as well plus the loss of this tax write-off. Old folks are going to get screwed…three times.

Q. What is your response to the claim that the new health care plan won’t cost us a dime more, but will actually cost less?
(April – Springdale, AR)
A. There’s a 12 foot trout in Hat Creek.

Q. Here you have been picking on Obama for months and now he wins the Nobel Prize. You’ve got to feel like a total cad.
(Garth – Hot Springs, AR)
A. Yeah, that puts him in the same category as Jimmy Carter, another great President….

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.”
Adolf Hitler


Friday, October 9, 2009


Sheriff Joe Arpaio is the stuff folklore is made of. He’s the “stand alone” guy of Arizona’s Maricopa County who is upholding the law by arresting and detaining illegal aliens by the hundreds in compliance with existing local, state and federal laws, and he seems to be the only one in the country who is doing it. New the federal government has relieved him of his authority and responsibility for applying apply federal laws to the issue. Arpaio cites statistics to show that his enforcement, supported and appreciated by most of those living in Maricopa County, has reduced crime by 19%.

The Justice Department is wearing the Administration's future intentions on its sleeves. They will grant amnesty to those illegals currently living here, give them free health care under the new “government-run public option,” and open the doors for tens of thousands more to come. At some point, I suppose, those of us who believe in the history and foundations of this country will become the minority.

Q. So, it comes out that there will be cuts in Medicare for about 50% of the $829 billion cost and the rest will be paid for in various forms of taxes and fees that the citizens will ultimately have to pay. How can they even think about adding more financial burdens to us when we’re already in a major economic slump and struggling to make ends meet?
(Frank – New Hartford, CT)
A. It’s very simple. None of them have to make ends meet. And, they’re going to be really hurting seniors, by raising taxes in fixed-income situations and by taking away medical benefits, which means more out-of-pocket expenses.They , of course, will have their gold-plated Congressional plans all of the way through their retirement years, paid for by us.

Q. I hear that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are having a spat?
(Thad – Hurricane, UT)
A. Yes. Nancy was ready to tell a lie and Harry beat her to it. Eeeew.

Q. What’s all of the hullabaloo about swine flu vaccine and chip implants and government conspiracies?
(Irene – Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, FL)
A. It’s a left wing conspiracy to make the right wing conspiracy look like conspirators.

“I thought then, and I think now, that the invasion of Iraq was unnecessary and unjust. And I think the premises on which it was launched were false.”
- Jimmy Carter


Thursday, October 8, 2009


There has been a significant amount of discussion and trial balloons floating out of the White House and Congress in recent days. Most frequently mentioned is a “value added” tax to replace the current income tax; Pelosi loves it.

A “value added tax” requires legions of government employees to implement and administer. You will not be aware of how much tax has been added on to things you purchase, or how much you are paying in an annual tax rate. Socialized countries have installed the “value added” tax and have discovered a decline in national productivity, horrendous increase in the costs of government, and lack of individual business incentive. This is a thinly disguised effort to increase the number of federal employees and the amount you pay in taxes at the same time. While we all need to fight this proposal with every ounce of energy we have, we also need to be aware that the new Senate Health Care Plan is going to tax insurance companies, medical providers, insurance premiums and probably some medical benefits that you will receive. Regardless of who gets taxed, we the consumers end up paying it.

Q. I heard two different stories about the new Senate version of the Health Care Plan. One is that it will cost $829 billion over 10 years, and one is that it will cost nothing. What’s the skinny?
(Myrtle – Longview, WA)
A. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the cost at $828 billion over 10 years. Those who want it passed are saying it is free, being funded by over $400 billion in cuts of Medicare benefits, additional taxes on the insurance companies and medical providers, etc. Assuming illegals are not covered, only about 15 million additional will be covered at a cost of $55,266 each, a cost that will directly or indirectly be paid by the taxpayer. At the same time, seniors will feel the brunt of the cut in Medicare benefits. I can’t comment further at this time because the Senate is not allowing us to read it.

Q. Why isn’t Congress capping medical malpractice awards?
(Milo – Santa Maria, CA)
A. Because Congress is corrupt. They’re mostly lawyers themselves and they receive huge donations from attorneys.

Q. Why isn’t Congress regulating the insurance companies?
(Scott – Palmdale, CA)
A. Because Congress is corrupt. They receive huge donations from insurance conglomerates.

“Corruption in government ultimately leads to tyranny.”
Unknown Scribbler


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


While Administration financial “gurus” insist that the recession is over, U.S. finance executives believe the American economy is still in recession. Most business executives are saying their firms will not resume hiring or capital spending in the next six months. In the meantime, the dollar is no longer the medium of exchange in the oil markets and is falling in international value while the price of gold soared to over $1,000 per troy ounce.

95 banks have failed, the FDIC is out of money, the national debt is at $12 trillion and Obama wants to add mandatory health care. Before Obama’s term is over, we could well be a third world country.

Q. Who is Michael Moore, anyway?
(Sal – Colorado Springs, CO)
A. Who cares?

Q. Is it possible to have both a depression and inflation?
(Al – Peru, IN)
A. Yes, and it’s quite likely that will happen in mid to late 2010. When the government starts printing more money, the value of money drops and prices therefore go up, but that doesn’t necessarily solve depression or recession.

Q. Do you think they will legalize marijuana in this country?
(Bessie – Richmond, CA)
A. It’s really ironic, but they need the tax revenues to pay for their Health Care Plan.

“Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct.”
- Thomas Jefferson


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The government now admits that it “misled” the public during the TARP hearings when it said that the bank bailouts would fix the major banks being funded and that they would be able to start lending to businesses and consumers to stimulate the economy. Word is that the banks were in such bad shape that the cash infusions merely allowed them to keep their doors open and did not provide enough capital for lending.

Also leaking out is an admission that the “Economic Stimulus” money didn’t all get spent as we were told it would get spent. Only 24% went to taxpayers to stimulate jobs in the building and construction trades. The rest got sent to states, cities and a small amount went to cover an extension of unemployment benefits.

“Trust us, the new government run health care plan is not going to cost taxpayers a dime. Oh, and by the way, we’re thinking about enacting another ‘Economic Stimulus 2.’ And, did you know that after we shove the health care plan up your hind ends, unemployment will be cured?”

What a bunch of lying, two-faced, conniving, corrupt bastards we have in Washington. Besides which, misrepresenting the facts when enacting legislation, and then using government funds thus obtained for purposes other than the legislation provides, appears to me to be an outright misappropriation of funds, punishable by jail-time and fines.

Does anyone have any idea how much of the money ACORN raises finds its way back into the coffers of the Congressional Members who voted to fund it? (Abbie – Kingman, AZ)
A. Shut up and get out of the way.

Q. Obama has ordered the government to start keeping track of its greenhouse gas emissions?
(Yolie – Fairbanks, AK)
A. Yes. They should really be investigating all of the methane gas being produced on Capitol Hill.

Q. I hear they are going to display a 10,000 year old mammoth in Chicago?
(Doyle – Raleigh, NC)
A. Can you even imagine they would allow an elephant, symbol of the Republican Party, to come within 100 miles of Chicago after the Obamas blew their Olympic bid for them? I mean, even after Limbaugh predicted it? Eeeeew!

“The only thing lower than a snake’s belly is a politician.”
Unknown Scribbler


Monday, October 5, 2009


The federal government is about to spend billions of U.S. tax dollars on a massive mortgage modification program with many of the very companies that regulators have cited in recent years for abusive mortgage practices. The firms, known as mortgage servicers, have been cited for badgering, manipulating or lying to their customers; sticking them with bogus fees, and/or improperly foreclosing on them. To make matters worse, the Government Accountability Office says that the Treasury Department has not done enough to oversee the companies.

Americans, how much more of this horse shit are we going to take from Washington, anyway?

Q. What kind of games is China playing with its recent display of major military power?
(Agnes – Moscow, ID)
A. Chinese checkers.

Q. Obama has prohibited federal employees from texting while driving. What about cleaning your fingernails while driving? Aren’t these kinds of laws ridiculous?
(Boyd – Corning, CA)
A. As a matter of fact, and I’m being serious when I say this, when you get enough laws enacted, then a lawyer should be able to successfully argue that, since there was no law against doing a particular thing, no one could be held negligent or liable for doing it. Here’s a case in point: If a lady gets into an accident while cleaning her fingernails and kills somebody, why shouldn’t she be able to say there was no law against it? At some point, we have to come to the conclusion that we cannot possibly create enough laws to regulate stupidity.

Q. Do you think Mt. Shasta or Mt. Lassen will ever erupt again?
(Tommy – Stroud, OK)
A. Lassen last erupted in 1915, Shasta about 200 years ago. Scientists say you can expect them to erupt every 800 years on the average. Both are likely to erupt at the same time if Obama wins a second term.

“Most people assume the fights are going to be the left versus the right, but it always is the reasonable versus the jerks.”
- Jimmy Wales, Keynote Speech, SXSW 2006


Sunday, October 4, 2009


Iran’s illustrious President accused the U.S. President of making much ado about nothing regarding it’s “newly discovered” secret reactor site, arguing that Tehran reported the facility to the U.N. even earlier than required. Obama and the leaders of France and Britain accused Iran of keeping the construction hidden from the world for years. The U.S. president said last month that Iran's actions "raised grave doubts" about its promise to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes only. (This news from Obama upstaged France and Britain and has caused a cooling of relations, particularly between France and the U.S.) President Ahmadinejad challenged that view in a speech Saturday, saying that Iran voluntarily revealed the facility to the IAEA in a letter on Sept. 21. He said that was one year earlier than necessary under the agency's rules.

It’s not very often that I would agree with that sawed off little grunt, but there’s a ring of truth to what he says, and Obama has been grasping a straws lately trying to find a glimmer of sunlight among his many adversities. As the soooo Reverend Wright would say, “Maybe his chickens are coming home to roost.”

After making a point of ducking General McChrystal over his request for more Afghanistan troops, Obama suddenly met with the General on Air Force One on his way back from Copenhagen. Why the sudden switch? (Molly – Cayucos, CA)
A. Having failed on the Olympic bid, Obama was looking for a way to justify his trip.

Q. Why don’t we just go bomb the crap out of the Taliban and get it over with?
(Sam – Wallace, ID)
A. The Taliban members who are not holed out in hardened caves on the Pakistani border are hiding under the skirts of innocent women.

Q. Someone told me that Obama said that we can’t improve our unemployment problem until we pass his health care package. Can that be true, or is he a loon?
(Sebastian – Saugerties, NY)
A. I thought I heard that on T.V. yesterday as well, but I was on my fifth bottle of Irish whiskey at the time.

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'. -
Larry Hardiman


Saturday, October 3, 2009


Bobby Gibbs says Axelrod says Obama says that the politics of the Olympic Committee are “difficult to deal with.”

Obama immediately invited Gen. McChrystal to meet him on Air Force One as a convenient way to change the subject.

Q. How can it possibly be that the Olympic Committee chose Rio de Janeiro for 2016 instead of Chicago, especially after the personal presence of the White House?
(Jaq – St. Paul, MN)
A. They’re trying to draw attention to the fact that Rio has a 125 statue of Christ looking down over it so that the ACLU and other anti-Christ movements will go bug the Brazilians for a while.

Q. Is it true that the White House has put up a new website just to use for going after Glenn Beck?
(Daryl – LaPuente, CA)
A. No. Instead, they’re using a blog page on

Q. I hear that Tiger Woods has now earned more than $1 billion playing golf?
(Eileen – Coral Gables, FL)
A. Yes. He’s trying to earn enough money to pay off the national debt. What a guy….

“Obviously, the Olympic Committee is just about as impressed with the Obamas as we are.”
Unknown Scribbler (Not a racist quote)


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Refuses to sanction Rep. Grayson for saying Republicans want seniors to die and for saying they are like the holocaust. She went on the record as saying that if anyone needs to apologize, everyone needs to apologize, and summarily refused to discuss the matter any further.

And Joe Wilson apologized and the Senate sanctioned him anyway. It’s obvious to me that both the Republicans and the Democrats don’t get the message. The public is getting damned tired of the relentless political bullshit and cavalier spending of our tax dollars while millions of Americans continue out of work.

Q. Are they really going to give illegal aliens full amnesty, rights, and health insurance?
(Vince – Fallon, NV)
A. It’s virtually a done deal. The halfwits know they will need all of the votes they can get in 2010.

Q. Why didn’t they pass a resolution preventing government-run health plan dollars being used for abortions?
(Karyn – Glendale, CA)
A. Evidently, they would rather fund abortions than senior health care.

Q. When Katrina struck New Orleans, Bush at least showed up to assess the damage. American Samoa has been devastated by an earthquake and Obama has been traveling all over the world, but he’s not going to American Samoa. Why not?
(Gary – Jackson, MS)
A. Obama is desperately needed in Copenhagen to get the Olympics for Chicago. It's all a matter of priorities, you know.

“Three groups spend other people's money: children, thieves, politicians. All three need supervision.”
- Dick Armey



General Motors announced yesterday that it will shut down its Saturn manufacturing plant and all Saturn Dealerships in the United States, placing thousands of more people out of jobs.

In the meanwhile, the economy continues to cook right along as 95 banks fail, Michael Moore demands that every American have socialized medicine and Barack and Michelle shuttle off on separate planes to Copenhagen to seek the Olympic brass ring

Q. Why is the Empire State Building flooded with the colors of lights that represent China?
(Nancy – Lynnwood, WA)
A. Because the Chinese own New York.

Q. I hear they’ve discovered another huge diamond.
(Nick – Vernal, UT)
A. By the time they finishing taxing it, it’ll be more like a small lump of coal.

Q. When I drive by the large cuts they are making in the woods at the summit of Mt. Hatchet near Burney, I can’t understand why they are so intent on ruining that natural beauty with wind mills.
(Max - Burney, CA)
A. You are quite correct. And, they could generate 20 times the electricity of they’d just erect the wind mills around the national Capitol.

“It is, of course, further indication that a fundamentalist right has really taken over much of the Republican Party, People might cite George Bush as proof that you can be totally impervious to the effects of Harvard and Yale education.”
- Barney Frank