Wednesday, October 1, 2014


“The county is better off, people just don’t feel it.”  That was President Obama’s position in a Sunday interview with CBS’ 60 MINUTES. 


I think that’s proof enough that he really comes from another planet.  His policies have the country with a much higher real rate of unemployment, a shrunken average family income, higher family expenses, terrorism that is flourishing in the Middle East, an Iran that is on the verge of having nuclear weapons, a Russia which has no regard for America, a crushing national debt, unsecured borders, a raging illegal immigration problem and flaring racism.  He’s mesmerized the Democratic Party into becoming complete zombies and he’s alienated the rest of the free world.  On the other hand, he IS improving the national interest in golf. 


Q. What is your response to the news that the first case of Ebola virus has appeared in the U.S.?  (Meredith ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. It seems to me that yesterday’s CDC press conference was chuck-full of assurances that everything is fine and dandy in America.  Keep in mind that these assurances come from the government agency that has bungled the security of several dangerous diseases kept in its laboratory lockers.  Nevertheless, we have no choice but to hope and pray that they are correct.  I’m absolutely sure that anyone who becomes infected will be well-cared-for under ObamaCare.  Yes siree.   

Q. I understand that over 60 countries are now part of the coalition against I.S.I.S.  That is quite a turnaround.  (Wayne ~ Woodland, WA)
A. Only three of those nations have agreed to assist in airstrikes into Syria.  None of those nations have agreed to provide ground troops in either Iraq or Syria.  There is a dramatic lack of enthusiasm for the missions that really need to be accomplished, and the general consensus is that someone needs to step up and fill the void in competent leadership.  There is also a valid fear that Obama is about to trade with Iran… they can have their nukes if they will help us on the ground.  If that should happen, we need to run the s.o.b. out of the country and back to Kenya, where he belongs. 

Q. I hear the Democratic National Committee and some of its political hack organizations are intimidating businesses against advertising on the Rush Limbaugh Show?  (Van ~ Goleta, CA)
A. It’s the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.  Limbaugh says this goes beyond activism and amounts to blackmail.  Why is it that those evil-doer, roughrider Nazis always go after the guys who tell the truth and leave the liars, cheats and spinners alone?  Someone needs to feed them some Ex-Lax.   


“Yesterday, the president met with a group he calls the coalition of the willing. Or, as the rest of the world calls them, Britain and Spain.” ~ Jon Stewart


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