Wednesday, August 4, 2021

You Deplorable Bastards!

Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, speaking on behalf of the Biden regime, has labeled everyone who participated in the January 6th Washington D.C. protests as "white supremacists." He also points the fickle finger of blame at President Trump for the current border crisis, saying Trump didn't send enough money to other countries.

Haven't you had enough of this crap yet?


I read about the Minnesota woman who was arrested for killing her husband after the body was discovered buried in her back yard.  Make note: Always bury the body in the front yard, because the police never look there.

The Biden Regime is planning to grant U.S. citizenship to all illegal aliens, thereby assuring a Democrat majority in the next elections.  

Isn't it amazing? The more diligently California tries to clamp down on legal gun owners, the higher the crime rate goes! 

So here were are, with 56% of the American public having voluntarily received at least one Covid shot. When the government demands that we turn in our guns and ammo, will 56% sheepishly comply?  

Jet fuel shortages are threatening flights of air tankers over the western states that are fighting numerous large wildfires. Biden is proud of the fact that he cancelled the Keystone Pipeline. 

In yet another dumb Democrat move, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has signed legislation that makes it a crime to sell a gun privately without having the buyer pass a National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) check. I can just see a cartel member or a BLM thug complying with this dumb-ass rule, can't you? 

PGE is admitting that its power lines caused yet another huge fire in California but, it claims it was due to a tree falling onto a line. It doesn't mention the fact that trees and brush are supposed to be removed from underneath and around power lines to prevent that from happening.  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "If your state tries to audit the 2020 elections, we'll defund your cops." ~ Merrick Garland


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