Friday, August 20, 2021

Kamala Skips Out

Why is the White House so adamant that Kamalala take her Asian trip? Could it be she has a highly secret, command appearance with Xi? Maybe she'll come home and announce that China has accepted full responsibility for the Wuhan virus? Just where should the Vice President, (the soon-to-be President,) be during an international crisis, anyway? 


Biden has made it abundantly clear: Americans can forget about Afghanistan! The single, most important issue ever facing Americans is getting your shots! Get your shots! Get them today and all of our troubles will disappear! That's his number one priority!

The Republican Senators are tackling the issue head-on. They sent a nasty letter to the administration demanding a full and complete accounting of all of the American weapons in Afghanistan! Yep! They want to know where every plane, chopper, tank, rifle and round of ammo is, and they want it immediately! Maybe they'll send Mitt in to take the inventory?

Uncle Joe admitted he knew there was going to be chaos as he withdrew from Afghanistan. But he did it anyway and with no contingency plans... no plans to mitigate what was about to happen! Now, his thug cronies are try to cover his horrible mistake up. 

How is it that Britain goes through the streets and gets all of its citizens and troops out of Afghanistan, and we can't?  

Hidin' Biden has taken all public remarks, press briefings and press conferences off his schedule as he and his administration shuck and duck over their botched Afghanistan troop withdrawal. 

Now that Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban, the Biden administration has the audacity to ask for $3.6 billion more for reconstruction efforts.  

The Biden administration is till trying to "process" refugees and Americans wanting to leave Kabul. It's "goal" is to fly out 5,000 to 9,000 per day, but it had only flown out 7,000 total from August 14th through the 19th. 

In the meanwhile, the "friendlier, gentler" Taliban has been busy confiscating privately owned guns and ammo, and shooting protesters.  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "They're not going to stick ME with any of this Afghanistan shit!" ~ Kamalala Harris

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