Friday, October 23, 2020

The Biden Fizzle

Do you really want to elect a pervert and a criminal to the White House? The evidence against him and his family is mounting by the minute... 

While Biden is back in his hideout, Obama decided to go to Philadelphia and stump for Uncle Joe.  Biden has been drawing mostly flies to his rallies, often fewer than a dozen people.  Obama managed to double the crowd! As for her role, Kamala had a crowd of roughly 25 show up for her North Carolina rally Wednesday, and that "crowd" included reporters and photographers! It would appear to me that even the Democrats want to shun this campaign! 


The Democrats have certainly proven one thing: They are experts at playing like children in a sandbox, throwing meaningless stones at whatever passes by.  The word "civility" is not in their vocabulary. 

Well, you really weren't surprised to hear that Russian and Iran are actively trying to scuttle Trump's re-election, were you? They and China and North Korea would love nothing better than to have Biden in the White House.  After all, it appears that they own him!  

NPR, a government-funded national broadcast network, has flatly refused to cover the Biden corruption story. Henchmen is charge say that covering the story would be a "distraction."  

Fauci and other "scientists" are discouraging any Thanksgiving celebrations this year. If you have one, everyone involved, including the turkey, must wear a mask and sit at east 60 feet from the next person.  Those participating must sanitize their hands after each bite and each piece of Thanksgiving candy must be individually wrapped in plastic.  

Shasta County in California has had a little over 1,800 Chinese virus cases.  Its population is a tad over 180,000, meaning that 1% of the population has had it. They don't have it now, but they have had it. 30 have died; that's .017%.  Yet, the county is now listed as being one of the most dangerous in the State and virtually everything is being shut down again!       

Uncle Joe says he will form a special presidential commission to work on reforming the Supreme Court. He and Kamala will, I presume, also be working on updating the Constitution?  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: “Excuse me…I’m sorry.  I’m not answering your questions, okay? We’re talking about the coronavirus!  That’s what I…I don’t have all day for questions" ~ Nancy Pelosi in angry response to a reporter's questions about Biden corruption.  Oh... she DID say that!. 

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