Monday, October 5, 2020

Never Piss Off A Liberal!

Michigan's Governor Gretchen Whitmer says she's "deeply upset" at the State's Supreme Court's 4-3 decision to deny her authority to lay down the strict Covid-19 rules she dictated! She's vowed to find ways around the Court ruling: “I want the people of Michigan to know that no matter what happens, I will never stop fighting to keep you and your families safe from this deadly virus!" she insisted. There's even talk that she might call out the National Guard to physically remove members of the Court from the bench. 

Never piss off a liberal! They don't mad; they get downright hostile!  


Remember! If was up to the Dems, we'd still be letting the Chinese and their virus fly into our country!   

Now that budget cuts have put the New York City Police Department behind the proverbial 8-ball as far as increases in crime are concerned, the city has announced it's going to severely discipline offices caught not wearing a face mask while on duty! I can just see it now: "The rapist got away because my face mask fell off and I had to go back to the squad car to get another one..."

I wonder why some dipshit Democrat bureaucrat in Maryland hasn't shut down the Trump-supportive crowd outside of Walter Reed Hospital for demonstrating without a license? When President Trump climbed into his limo yesterday and drove by the supportive crowd to wave and thank them, all of the toilets flushed in  unison at the DNC!  

Andy McCabe has refused to testify before the Senate because he might get the Chinese virus.  When it was suggested he might testify virtually, he refused for the same reason.  And, as you might expect, the Republican-controlled Senate is acquiescing.  

Joe Biden adamantly disavowed any of Hunter's alleged shenanigans or participation in "pay for play" with foreign nations, such as China, Russia or the Ukraine.  Nevertheless, the Treasury Department has a list a kilometer long of Hunter's related financial transactions. Maybe the list will "disappear" like Hillary's emails?   

A rapidly growing number, (almost 20%) of college students subscribe to the notion that it is okay to use violence to stop free speech, according to a recent survey of students at 55 colleges and universities.  It would be perfectly fine to beat the crap out of Nancy Pelosi to make her keep her mouth shut?  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Yes, I recognize that we only have 21.2 million registered voters and, yes I know that we have printed and mailed out 30 million mail-in ballots.  So, what's the problem?" ~ Governor Gavin Newsom

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