Monday, October 19, 2020

America's Favorite Jackass Back On The Scene!

The guy who openly says he will confiscate your guns, Pete Buttigieg, has evidently joined the Biden team in attacks on President Trump. He's also slamming Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett and is calling for putting another six members on the Court... all left-wing nut-cakes like himself, of course! Biden made it clear in May that he would choose Butthead to be his "gun control Czar."

The fact that Pete rears his ugly head just two weeks before the election speaks for Biden's attention to do just that!


And this week's debate will be moderated by Jim Acosta? 

America's sweetheart, Ilhan Omar, has been caught illegally funneling campaign funds to her husband's company to the tune of over $1 million in July and August alone!  

It appears that the main reason China wants Biden in office is so they can get a return on their "investment!" 

I hear they plan to replace statues of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln with statues of Mao, Lenin and Che Guevara?

Most of the evidence now eking out about the Bidens and their corruption has been known and hidden by Christopher Wray's FBI for months! 

Twitter, Facebook, MSNBC, NBC, CNN and the AP are actively practicing censorship and are thinly-disguised political operatives of the Democrat Party.  They should be dismantled and put out of business, and a whole bunch of their executive staffs should be put in jail!  

China has ordered its marines to be ready for war... involving Taiwan!

Australia is now demanding that toy guns be registered or surrendered!

Biden is catching so much flack over his Email scandals involving China, Russia and Ukraine, that he's back to hiding in his basement.  Joe and Hunter have been claiming that the laptop containing the damning Emails has just been a Russian disinformation plot, which is probably why Hunter sicked his attorney on the computer shop to demand that he have his laptop back... just a day before the story broke!  

Numerous top Twitter executives openly despise President Trump and have vowed to do whatever it takes to get him out of office! Virtually anyone who says anything bad about Biden or good about Trump is going to be locked out of his account...

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "If you don't agree to MY terms on a stimulus package within 48 hours, I am going to shit bricks!" ~ Nancy Pelosi

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