Friday, October 2, 2020

Gruesome Newsom Refuses To Clean Up California Forests?

Why won't California's Governor Newsom quit spending money on his "train to nowhere" project and use the funds to clean up the underbrush in California's raging forests? Why?  

And why does Newsom think that I, a guy whose ancestors never owned a slave, but who fought in the Civil War to free them, should pay reparations to a Black whose ancestors weren't even on this continent back in those days?


Comey's memory seems to have evaporated into the same thin air as Hillary Clinton's and her illegal Emails.  

Did you notice that, as soon as the debate was over, Joe Biden caught the next train out of town?  

Kamalala's urgent, immediate job is to somehow derail the Senate Supreme Court Hearings, or to torpedo Barrett!  Look for her true, vile and nasty character to once again come into the forefront, as it did during the Kavanaugh hearings!  

In another attempt to force voters to vote by mail, Democrats are now saying that due to absence of poll workers caused by Covid-19, there won't be enough people to staff polling places if people vote in person.  The smell of dead fish is getting worse by the second! 

Fox News' White House correspondent John Roberts is acting uncharacteristically obnoxious in the briefing room lately! I think the B.S. is wearing him down into burnout and he needs some R & R.  

Yes, Trump was overly aggressive in the debate, but Biden was weak and consistently lied.  Trump won the debate, hands down!

The Washington Post, of all newspapers, has admitted that school openings have not added to the spread of the Chinese virus.   

I can just visualize some debate moderator trying to turn off Trump's mic!  

Democrats are saying they plan to overhaul our political system if they win.  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Yes, Antifa is actually a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party!" ~ Kamala Harris

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