Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Biden Admits To Ongoing Voter Fraud Going Back To Obama!

“We’re in a situation where we have put together... and you guys did it for President Obama’s administration before this... we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” he said Saturday.


Joe Biden is evidently part-owner of a mask making company. As part of his evident, ongoing corruption he plans make it mandatory for everyone to wear a mask everywhere they go, whether in their private vehicle or not; if they're on a road funded with federal dollars, they must wear a mask!  The only time you will be allowed to take your mask off is if you're in the cemetery? 

Thousands of people who already voted for Biden by mail are asking if they can change their ballots!

New California state requirements for Thanksgiving gatherings include where gatherings are allowed to take place and for how long, and also include wearing a mask between bites! They even provide instruction on bathroom use! 

A recent report says President Trump plans to fire CIA and FBI honchos after he gets reelected.  He definitely should, and should also consider deeper housecleaning.  

House Democrats are said to be ready to replace Nancy Pelosi as Speaker if they retain their majority in 2020 elections.  The most likely candidate is AOC!  

California’s financially battered restaurants filed government claims Monday to recover more than $100 million in fees for liquor and health permits and tourism charges that they say were assessed, even though their businesses were shuttered or only partially operating under long-running coronavirus orders. California is saying that if they don't want to pay the permit fees, they can damned-well stay closed?

A least one state, Texas, is very worried about post-election violence and is calling up the National Guard! 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "In hind sight, I think Trump has done an excellent job as President." ~ Hillary Clinton



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