Monday, March 9, 2020


The press, media, Dems and GOP are treating the Democrat presidential race as if Biden and Sanders are the only two still running.  They seem to ignore the fact that Tulsi Gabbard has not dropped out and she says she has no intentions of doing so.  So, when Democrats go to vote in the remaining primaries, they might consider Tulsi as being a viable alternative to the socialist fascist on the one hand, and the mentally handicapped on the other.
America's favorite Utah turncoat, Mitt Romney, indicates he will not allow a Senate Committee investigation into Joe Biden and the Ukrainian scandal.  Then, faced with a firestorm of backlash, he abruptly changes his mind. 

The over $8 billion bill passed to fight Coronavirus included almost $1.5 billion in "special projects" slipped in by sly Nancy. 

A proud little autistic girl showed up at a dog show, toy stuffed puppy in tow.  Upon seeing this, a judge went over to her and asked if she'd like to show her dog; she then towed the stuffed pooch around in a circle and the crowd went wild.  Just thought you'd like a good piece of news for a change...

Nancy intends to make a huuge political stunt over the Coronavirus.  She's about to tell all House members to work from home and then blame Trump for not handling the virus to her approval.  Could this be a prelude to another impeachment try? 

Kamalala has endorsed Joe Biden.  Since Barack just loves Kamalala, does that mean that his endorsement is soon to follow?  Does that also mean that Joe will select Kamalala as his running mate?  If that turns out to be the case, will Pocahontas now endorse Bernie?  Inquiring minds want to know. 

"Coronavirus is the most frightening word on the planet.  Personally, it makes me sick." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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