Monday, March 23, 2020


 San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia said Friday that his department will begin today to enforce Santa Clara County Health Department's stay-at-home directives.  Officers in specially-deployed health order compliance patrol cars are going to businesses and groups of people to remind them of the health orders, and requesting compliance.  Garcia said businesses continuing to operate could face criminal citation, business license sanctions, and health code violations. 
If you think you're going to get a stimulus check from Uncle Sam this or next week, you're in for a rude awakening.  First, a bill has to be passed.  Then, according to the language in the bill, a mechanism has to be created to determine who gets the money and how to distribute it.  Then, checks have to be printed or bank accounts have to be identified for direct deposit.  To be honest, we're looking at upwards of sixty days before the money hits your hands.  Plan accordingly.

The Coronavirus in China is far from being over.  The Chinese government has been caught misrepresenting the facts... again.

President Trump Saturday declared New York City to be a disaster area; Senator Schumer says he's the one who came up with the idea.  And Mayor DeBlasio came out Sunday and claimed that the President has done nothing to help New York City and that people will die.  By the way, both of those political bandits were chastising President Trump for being racist and an alarmist when, back in January, he cut off flights from China.

Contrary to popular myth, eating lots of garlic will not prevent you from getting the Kung Flu.  It will, however, keep people at least six feet away from you. 

Here I sit, isolated in remote Shasta County, where cases are cropping up all around me... Siskiyou, Butte, Lassen, Humboldt. Being a hermit on top of a mountain has its advantages, and I don't need toilet paper; I use pine cones.

Those left-wing loonies who insist prisoners should be released because of the Coronavirus would prefer to have them die in public as opposed to dying in jail.  I suppose we're racists if we don't want to share?

As of this post, no known employee of Corona Beer has gotten ill with the virus.  Just sayin'...

Some guy stole 29 Coronavirus test kits from a Tuscon health center.  They're useless without a lab to test them. 

"Sharks are complaining that the beaches are closing and they have nobody to eat." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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