Friday, March 6, 2020


Declining revenues due to the Coronavirus scare has forced British operated Flybe Airlines to lose its doors. U.S. airlines are planning to reduce their numbers of flights.  Think about that: super-jet airliners are financed and airlines depend on regular revenues to make the payments.  If they default, banks and other lending institutions could be in peril.  

The potential ripple effects through all segments of the world economy are frightening.  Yet, the actual seriousness of the disease doesn't warrant all of the bad hype.  Could it be that the media wants the economy to tank in order to hurt Trump in November? 
Virginia is really on the muscle.  County Sheriffs there have adamantly opposed all gun control measures.  Now, the Democrat-controlled legislature is trying to cancel all sheriff raises and insurance coverages and cancel all state pensions unless the sheriffs comply.  

TODAY'S QUOTE:"In any election there are winners, losers and pundits." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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