Friday, March 13, 2020


The Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was enacted after 9/11 to facilitate surveillance spying on potential terrorists.  All of the goobledygook of the day assured Americans that they would not be spied on... just the terrorists.  We know today that innocent Americans and political leaders were spied on extensively by the FBI, even though it was against the law.  But the House and the Senate just turned a very blind eye to the problem and reauthorized FISA.  

You can't legislate morality.  So why create a KGB state by enacting a law that is certainly going to be abused?  And how can Washington look us straight in the eye and insist that it won't happen again?  
Democrat Jim Clyburn says they should just declare Biden the winner of the primaries, cancel the remaining debates and forget any more primaries.  Might as well; hardly anyone shows up at the Democrat elections anyway, but I've got a better idea: Let's just cancel the elections altogether and declare Trump to be reelected.

Today is Friday the 13th... time for Nancy Pelosi to bay at the moon and howl.

AOC says Americans are avoiding Chinese restaurants because they're racists.  She knows everything. 

The FBI has become the American version of the KGB. 

Ilhan Omar has gotten married again.  This time it wasn't to a relative; it was to her political aide she has denied having an affair with.

Mean, spiteful and demonic Nancy Pelosi decided to play a huuuge political game with the Coronavirus pandemic.  She had the House delay a bill to deal with the issue for a week... a bill that she knew up front that the Senate would reject unless it was modified.  She then passed the bill and announced that the House was going on spring break.  A non-plussed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told her she'd better quit playing political games during a national health emergency and stay in Washington to hammer out the details.  

Oh, and by the way... Nancy snuck a provision into her bill that would have funded abortions with taxpayer dollars.  

“Wishing a very Happy Friday the 13th to the superstitious souls who think that what can happen on Friday the 13th cannot happen on Saturday the 14th.” ~ Unknown

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