Wednesday, March 18, 2020


News much worse than the Coronavirus came out yesterday.  Tom Brady is leaving the New England Patriots. 
Joe said two things over the weekend:  He will select a woman as his VP, (Hillary is warming up her car), and he will appoint Barack Obama to the Supreme Court.  Nice guy, that Joe.

I did vent my anger Monday about Newsom closing all of the bars and wineries in California.  Now, governors of other states are also closing down bars... and they're all Democrats.  Now, I'm 65+ and vulnerable; I have enough sense not to subject myself to danger.  Democrats, on the other hand, obviously do not.

Mitt Romney wants the government to send $1,000 to every American adult.  I presume, knowing Mitt, that includes prisoners in the pen, illegals and Russian spies?  And just who is going to fund it?  Why... you and me, of course.  All Democrats think alike. 

Due to the Coronavirus, tomorrow has been canceled. 

Ohio's Guv Mike DeWine wanted to delay the State's primaries, but a county Judge ruled against it.  So the illustrious Guv declared a state of health emergency and kept the polls closed anyway.  Screw the Judge. 

Ava Louise, a dingbat from Miami, licked an airplane toilet seat in a "Coronavirus Challenge."  She must be a Bernie Sanders Democrat. 

With all of the poop on the sidewalks of San Francisco, they really do need some "shovel ready" projects. 

A Bakersfield, California McDonald's worker allegedly rubbed a bun on the floor, spat on it, then served it to a police officer. It was undoubtedly the cleanest bun in the store...

"I used to think that everyone has a sane spot somewhere. Then I met a Democrat." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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