Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Remember the hearings on now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh?  Remember how "over the top" both Harris and Booker went with their tyrannical behaviors, nasty and vile dispositions, innuendos and wild accusations?  Remember how upsetting their demeanor was to you and to the rest of us in this country?  Remember the backlash they created?

Let all of that be a warning.  Can you imagine how either one of them... or both... will conduct themselves should they succeed in taking the huge power of the White House?  Do you really want to subject America and Americans to such tantrums, antics and despotism?   Do you really want to reward them for their vile and disgusting agendas? 
Evidently, none of the 1,329 Democrat presidential candidates have asked Hillary to come out and stump for them.  I wonder why?

In the meanwhile, Pocahontas went on the warpath in an embarrassing diatribe against Mark Esper as he was in the process of being confirmed as the new Secretary of Defense.  She tried to make him appear as a corrupt crook... and failed miserably.  

Wouldn't it be something if Jerry Nadler canceled Mueller's testimony, scheduled for today?  With the news that Mueller actually requested the DOJ to issue a letter limiting the scope of his testimony leads me to believe that Mueller is not ready to cooperate with Nadler's charade.  

I don't understand why Rashida Tlaib wants a $20 minimum wage.  Why not $30? 

"These days, the only thing lower than a Democrat is a Republican who refuses to stand up to him." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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