Monday, July 15, 2019


Looks as if there's a minuet going on between Nadler and Mueller.  Nadler wants to tell Mueller what to say at the upcoming House Committee hearings and Mueller wants no part of a charade, regardless of what good it might do the Democrats.  I also don't think Mueller wants to be grilled like a hamburger by the committee Republicans and that Nadler is trying to figure out how to prevent such grilling from happening... like, maybe the Republicans won't be allowed to ask any questions at all? 
I gather than Nancy Pelosi laid down the law and told Dems that they had better marginalize AOC, Tlaib and Omar pronto... or else.  Do you think Fancy Nancy might be trying to seize back control of the House?
President Trump thinks the Three Mouseketeers should go back to where they came from: Omar to Somalia, Tlaib to Palestine and Ocasio-Cortez to a Puerto Rico bar.  

Once you determine how many non-citizens are in the country, all you have to do is to subtract the numbers of whose here on passports and visas, and you then know how many illegals you have.  My bet is that it's about 25 million... or more.  

India had to cancel its planned trip to the far side of the moon.  Something out there... something is keeping us earthlings from going there.  Voo doo doo doo....

"If you would kick every worthless politician out of Washington, D.C.... you would have plenty of houses, offices and seedy hotel rooms to house the illegals in." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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