Monday, July 22, 2019


I agree with President Trump: they have the right to say whatever it is they want to say and we, also, have the right to say anything we want to say.  They can call us "racists" and we can call them "fascist bigots," and if they get their panties all bunched up... that's their problem.
If Elizabeth Warren will lie to you about being Native American, what else will she lie about?  Can you believe a word she says?  First thing we know, she'll be telling everyone about all of the things she's going to give them for free.

Bernie Sanders pays his campaign workers $7.25 an hour and is demanding a $15.00 nationwide minimum wage for everyone else?

Way back when, the Apollo astronauts went to the moon... and came back with Maxine Waters.

No farting allowed!  In the latest chapter of California’s descent into liberal madness, Berkeley became the first city in America to ban natural gas from new homes and businesses that use natural gas for restaurant grills and ovens.  I guess their power plants which use natural gas will have to shut down; their buses and cabs running on natural gas will go to the dump and... their city's politicians will have to sit down and shut up... because they most certainly operate on natural gas. 

If the Iranian seizure of tankers in the Strait of Hormuz concerns you, hang on to your seats.  Iran will continue to strike out in more and more serious ways, perhaps even by launching strikes against Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel or Jordan.  The only way you are going to get them to submit to the will of the world and to give up their nukes is to go and stomp the living daylights out of them.  The sad part about that is... they don't care if you do. 

California's Gavin Newsom is not only banning plastic straws, but he now wants you to bring your own dinnerware and cutlery to restaurants.  And the rest of the country wonders why we Californians are being driven to drink more booze? 

President Trump wants to cut government spending in his second term.  He should start by cutting Congressional pay.  As a matter of fact and considering the job they are doing for us, why pay them at all?  

"The vast majority of people who will lie about something... will lie about anything." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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