Friday, July 12, 2019


Thanks to the constant barrage of anti-patriotic rhetoric coming from the Dems and the leftists, attacks against our culture, our religion and our history are growing every day.  Over the 4h of July weekend, thugs stole 21 American flags from a South Carolina veterans mausoleum and burned them on the graves of veterans in the cemetery.  

My guess is that they'll soon start lining up veterans, NRA members and MAGA cap wearers against the walls and shooting them... while the rest of Americans watch on TV and simply complain that something has to be done about it. 
A recent poll conducted by Judicial Watch shows that a majority of Americans favor removal of illegal aliens from the country... all 12 to 26 million of them.  Count me in on that.

No... those robocalls are not going away soon, even when the feds have been cracking down on them.  They're just moving their operations overseas and continuing to make their calls all over the U.S.

I wonder what the Iranians are going to think after we sink all of their boats and launches, and drop one or two of those bunker-buster bombs on their nuclear sites.  Their probably going to be just as angry as AOC is about Nancy Pelosi. 

From the looks of things, I'd guess George Soros and Tom Steyer have purchased controlling interest in FOX NEWS...

So, the US Soccer team threw the American flag on the ground after winning their game... and their star Megan Rapinoe led the cheers of "F*%K America."  Why do they expect us to like them? 

The fix is in...again.  The prosecutor in the Epstein sex case just happens to be Jim Comey's daughter.  Epstein supposedly had Bill Clinton tag along on many of these "excursions," while Comey himself has been in the Clinton's pockets for decades.

Nike wants to remove the current faces from Mt. Rushmore and replace them with faces of the women's US Soccer Team. 

The Volkswagen Beetle is bugging on out...

It's interesting to note that Pelosi, once the bastion of power in Congress, no longer has the ability to control even the three little snits...

"The Democrats' only hope is to control the vote." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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