Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Joe Biden's candidacy is imploding as his popularity decreases and Kamalalala Harris' shots about Uncle Joe's racism take their toll.  Well, along comes wife Jill Biden who climbs on her gallant white steed and gallops to the rescue: Monday night on CNN, she said, "The one thing you cannot say about Joe is that he's a racist. He got into politics because of his commitment to civil rights, and then to be elected with [former President] Barack Obama and then someone is saying, you know 'you're a racist.'" 

Well, let's give the guy some credit: Anybody who has the temerity to put his wife up as his chief defendant deserves to be president... doesn't he?
One hundred billion here, two hundred billion there, one trillion more... and more.  On and on it goes as the figures become astronomical.  Just how much of our hard-earned money are the Democrats pledging to give away after they win in 2020? Maybe I should just declare bankruptcy right now and get it over with?

Europe’s biggest sex festival swingers’ party, Swingfield's, has come to the UK again. So, who gives a f**k?  (Sorry; I was compelled to say that).

PETA is demanding that Caldwell, Idaho rename one of its streets from Chicken Dinner Road.  The animal-rights group said it opposes  "speciesism" and asked the name be changed to just Chicken Road.  The mayor told them to get the flock out of there.  (Sorry; I was also compelled to say that...).

A bunch of veterans walked out of a meeting with AOC over the weekend, saying they just couldn't listen to any more of her BS.  God Bless our veterans! 

If you're not proud to be an American, why are you here?

When it comes to abuse of power, Barack Hussein Obama makes Richard Nixon look like an angel.

Tiny Jag, whose real name is Jillian Graham, was scheduled to perform at AfroFuture Fest's event in Detroit next month. When she learned that whites were going to be charged $10 more than anyone else to get in, she quickly dropped out.  How come not a single liberal or Democrat is talking about race on this event?

They say thousands of fish died at a Jim Beam warehouse fire over the weekend.  I didn't know fish drank anything but water.

Have you noticed that Walmart is gradually putting more and more merchandise under lock and key?  Why do they even bother to stock it?  Why don't they just shut their doors and be done with it?

Eric Swalwell has dropped out of the 2020 Democrat Presidential Primary race.  Good!  He can take his gun-confiscating ass and get all the way off the stage. 

"The study of 23 Democrats clamoring for the presidential nomination is a study of frenzy." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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