Thursday, May 25, 2017


The PORTLAND MERCURY in Oregon has succeeded in closing down Kooks Burritos.  The popular eatery was recently featured in Willamette Week, and the owners told about how they journeyed to Mexico and learned how to make genuine tortillas.  The PORTLAND MERCURY and other local liberal news sources started a campaign accusing the owners of ripping the recipes off of poor Mexican families.   

Well, I guess we’ll all have to quit eating pizza, too.  How anal can you get?  Oh, and by the way, the place was located on Cesar Chavez Avenue. 

Q. Is it true that Chuck Schumer’s father was buggy?  (Bridgette ~ Greensboro, NC)
A. He was in the exterminating business, and obviously did not get rid of all the fleas. 

Q. If Trump isn’t guilty of anything in a “Russian-Trump” conspiracy, why is he lawyering up?  (Kingston ~ Hereford, TX)
A. You never go into a battle unless you are well-prepared.  And when you’re surrounded by sharks, your best defense is to have a bigger, badder shark by your side.   

Q. FOX NEWS came out with a story that Seth Rich was murdered shortly after he provided information about the Clinton campaign to WikiLeaks.  They’ve backed away from that story, but haven’t retracted it.  What’s going on?  (Jason ~ Petaluma, CA)
A. Maybe they got warned by Clinton to back off… or else.  Rich is not the first person associated with the Clintons to die under mysterious circumstances after supposedly doing something to cross them.  That doesn’t mean the Clintons had anything to do with the deaths… Just sayin’…

“Thank you, hard taco shells, for surviving the long journey from factory, to supermarket, to my plate, and then breaking the moment I put something inside you.  Thank you.” ~ Jimmy Fallon


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