Monday, May 15, 2017


The most recent cybersecurity attack which crippled medical computers around Europe has also infected business computers around the United States and the rest of the world.  The ransomware attack appeared well on its way in infecting computer systems of every type and across all kinds of demographics, but a 22-year-old computer researcher in Britain found a way to stop it.  The software used to install and operate the ransomware evidently contains code which amounts to a “kill” switch; he discovered it and found a way to activate it. 

Now, if he was a Republican or worked for Trump, the Democrats would want him tried for murder and the liberals in general would be calling his success “unfair.”  While the rest of the world is calling the kid a hero, it would be most politically correct to provide him with only a “participation” award. 

Q. Trump has threatened to end White House press conferences.  Is he serious?  (Riley ~ Pierre, SD)
A. It’s a good bargaining point.  Actually, the way they have degenerated in intellectual intelligence and veracity, I think they are a waste of the government’s money.  Spicer could observe that the sun is going to come up in the East tomorrow and one of them would print a story that Trump wants to change the order of the universe.  They’ve become so anal. 

Q. Mexico is threatening to do its trade with China if we get out of NAFTA.  Are they serious?  (Myron ~ Morgan City, LA)
A. About 80% of Mexico’s exports come to the United States.  There’s no way they are going to withdraw from that kind of a market, especially to deal with a country that can produce goods at a cost even lower than Mexico’s.  It’s an attempt at Trump-style bargaining rhetoric that’s patently absurd. 

Q. Do you really think Trump recorded his conversations with Comey?  (Penelope ~ Eugene, OR)
A. The liberal media and the Democrats are making such a big ludicrous deal out of this story.  Every Oval Office conversation is automatically recorded, whether on the phone or in person, for historical purposes.  But the media is “astonished.”  Here Trump is accusing Obama and his goons of recording him while he doesn’t hesitate to record the Director of the FBI?  Oh, my!  Please pass the gray poop on.     

“To me, the idea that a modern American journalist can be truly and totally objective is ludicrous.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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