Monday, February 27, 2017


There is a growing call among some Republicans to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate whether or not Trump or members of his team had illegal contacts with the Russian government before the inauguration. 

There’s been a whole lot of yacking about this possibility for weeks now, a possibility that was initially proposed by disenchanted left-wing Democrats and then blown out of proportion by the so-called “journalists” of the press and media.  Yet, there has been no evidence proffered and no concrete allegations made.  It’s all about the “Never Trumpers,” both Republican and Democrat, who continue to be obsessed with sidetracking or even derailing the Trump Presidency.  They don’t seem to give a damn what the American people want; they only care about what they want. Remember these things in the 2018 elections. 

Q. What do you think of the new leadership of the DNC?  (Abby ~ Caribou, ME)
A. I think those who want to see the continued disintegration of the Democrat Party made an excellent choice.  God bless them and the donkeys they rode in on. 

Q. Any thoughts or reaction to Maxine Waters calling the Trump White House a “bunch of scumbags?”  (Norberto ~ Martinez, CA)
A. At least she didn’t call them “deplorables.”  She’s so sweet… just the kind of woman you’d want to take home to mother.   

Q. There are increasing reports that more and more Americans support, rather than oppose, ObamaCare.  I find that difficult to believe.  (Thanh ~ San Jacinto, CA)
A. So, who is saying these things?  It’s coming from the press and media.  I think it is manufactured, fake news.  Those guys have been lying ever since they came out with a newspaper headline claiming that Dewey won the election over Truman, and that’s a very long time.    
“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.” ~ Thomas Sowell


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