Chris Wallace had Reince Priebus on his Sunday FOX NEWS show
and thundered at Priebus over Trump’s claims that the media has become the
enemy of the people. “You don’t get to
tell us what to do any more than Barack Obama did,” Wallace screamed over
Priebus. “Barack Obama whined about Fox News all the time, but I gotta say, he
never said we were an enemy of the people.”
I never heard in that exchange or from Trump where FOX NEWS
was included in the list of networks and outlets that Trump considers “enemies
of the people.” By jumping at the chance
to belittle Priebus and Trump, Wallace showed his ignorance of the facts and
summarily joined the chorus of left-wingers who are trying to take Trump
down. As far as I am concerned, any “journalist”
who doesn’t present the news to the American people in a fair and objective
manner, who censors what he/she says or reports, or who lies and spins with the
open objective of influencing public opinion is… an enemy of the people. If anybody should be foaming at the mouth
like a rabid dog, it’s us, not
Q. How is Mexico going to be able to absorb all of these
illegal criminals we’re going to be sending back? (Chevy ~ San Dimas, CA)
A. Mexico is going to put them on planes and fly them to
Canada, where Prime Minister Trudeau will welcome them with open arms. And that will be fine, because they won’t be
able to buy guns up there and will therefore stop committing crimes. Don’t you just have to laugh at the way
people think these days?
Q. Chuck Schumer says the GOP will abandon Trump within
three months. What do you think? (Lela ~ Ferndale, WA)
A. Unless they get their fannies in gear, it’ll be Trump
abandoning them. They’re so used to screwing things up; I don’t
know if they will ever change.
Q. What in God’s name was CNN doing interviewing a bunch of North
Koreans about how they feel toward Trump?
(Philly ~ Scranton, PA)
A. Evidently, CNN thinks the answers are important. That just shows how CNN thinks.
“What we think, we become.” ~
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