Thursday, March 24, 2016


Sen. Ted Cruz walked away from Utah with the state’s 40 delegates, but some voters left disillusioned due to billionaire George Soros’ ties to the process and fishy behavior at caucus sites, according to WND.  “The precinct chair splits them up, and starts handing stacks of them out and tells people ‘take one and pass it down.’ No checking credentials, IDs, nothing. I’m sitting at the end of a row and people start handing me stacks of extras,” said one participant.  “I literally had over 50 ballots in my hand. … There were no apparent controls … and ballots [were] being handed around like napkins.”

And those ballots marked for Trump were dumped?  I didn’t expect Trump to win in Utah, but I didn’t expect him to come in third, either.  You know the old saying about how those who count the ballots control the outcome? 
Q. Why is Putin removing his troops from Syria?  (Kiley ~ Round Mountain, CA)
A. One of the main reasons he sent them there in the first place is that he wanted to get on-the-job training for his troops without being right under the noses of the Russian people.  He’s been bolstering his numbers of troops and now he’s making rumblings about going back into Ukraine… with fully trained troops just back from Syria. 

Q. Do you think we should have surveillance of Muslim mosques?  (Sally ~ Cleveland, OH)
A. If we have legitimate reasons to believe that terrorist activities are being conducted in a mosque, church, cemetery, library or anywhere else, we should be conducting extensive surveillance.  And since Obama is so strongly against it, maybe we should start at the White House. 

Q. I know that many terrorists transferred out of Gitmo have returned to the battlefields.  Have any more Americans been killed as a result?  (Milo ~ Carlsbad, CA)
A. Yes. 

“It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.” ~ Douglas MacArthur


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