Tuesday, March 1, 2016


China devalued its currency again yesterday.

This means a major negative impact to the U.S. economy; Chinese manufactured goods will cost even less, meaning more U.S. consumer dollars will be going out of the country.  Our economy is fragile enough as it is; we need to be slapping a huge import tax on Chinese goods entering this country.  I guess this is how Obama’s Transpacific Trade agreement is supposed to work?  Look for the stock market to suffer immediate losses. 
Q. I know that the feds can track criminals on their cellphones.  Who else is snooping?  (Carson ~ Geneva, WI)
A. The IRS is using them to snoop on suspected tax cheats, following them wherever they go, monitoring their Internet purchases and income, keeping track of their business credit-card transactions and the like.  They’re doing so without obtaining a warrant.  Don’t bother asking me if they’ve been looking into the Clinton Foundation finances; you already know the answer. 

Q. Where is the largest concentration of wealth in the country?  Is it Silicon Valley?  (Chi Chi ~ Tucson, AZ)
A. No, it’s in three counties surrounding Washington, D.C.  One in five federal employees makes over $100,000 per year, plus benefits.  They’ve also been getting annual raises, while the rest of the country has predominantly been seeing a reduction in household income.  And, as you know, a good chunk of them don’t even bother paying their annual income taxes. 

Q. Dues Putin control the media in Russia?  (Sissy ~ Menlo Park, CA)
A. You bet he does.  Once he got a good look at how Obama controls the media here, he decided to try it for himself.  He sees the media as being a vital means of controlling public opinion. 

“In Russia we only had two TV channels.  Channel One was propaganda.  Channel Two consisted of a KGB officer telling you: Turn back at once to Channel One.” ~ Yakof Smirnoff


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