Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Breitbart is reporting that North Korea fired two ballistic missiles at Japan Friday.  One landed in Japan’s territorial waters short of land and the other evidently exploded in flight. 

The White House said nothing; Obama flew to Cuba.   Japan is madder than hell.  
Q. How did the subject of stun guns end up in the Supreme Court?  (Blake ~ Burbank, CA)
A. There’s a law against citizens owning stun guns in Massachusetts.  A woman there was arrested, although she claimed the right to protect herself against an abusive former boyfriend.  Her attorney argued that the ban violated her right to bear arms and the matter eventually ended up in the Supreme Court, which ruled in her favor.  Arms are arms; they don’t need to be guns.  They can be guns, bows and arrows, knives, stun guns, sling shots or spit wads. 

Q. Obama wants a raise?  (Suzie ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. Not immediately; he wants to increase retirement pay by 18% for all ex-presidents.  I think he considers it to be a Cost of Living Adjustment, similar to the 0% he gave Social Security recipients in 2016. 

Q. I heard that a top GOP henchman has declared that the party will choose the presidential nominee, not the party members?  (Carlos ~ El Paso, TX)
A. Curly Haugland, a top member of the RNC Rules Committee, said over the weekend: "The media has created a perception that the voters will decide the nomination and that's the conflict here.  Political parties choose their nominee, not the general public contrary to popular belief.”  That being the case, why do they go through the process of primaries and caucuses, and just what do they need party members for?  Oh, that’s right: they want our money. 

“The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties is the velocities with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock on their door.  That’s the only difference.” ~ Ralph Nader


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