Monday, November 16, 2015


In blunt defiance of U.S. will, and immediately after the terrorist attacks on Paris, Barack Hussein Obama has released five more terrorists from Gitmo. 


He's an animal and he's an enemy.  He must be impeached. 

Q. Kerry says nations have to work together to push I.S.I.S. out of Syria and out of Iraq.  So, where does he think he can push them?  (Blue ~ Little Rock, AR)
A. Israel?  The plain, simple truth is that any Muslim, not matter where he/she lives, is a danger to civilized society.  You cannot contain them, you cannot make peace with them; the only thing they understand is death.  We need to keep their 72 virgins busy. 

Q. Why was Obama so set on turning down the Keystone Pipeline?  (Byron ~ La Canada, CA)
A. Rumor has it that our brave little president was afraid to tick off the Saudi Arabians because he needs their help with Syria. 

Q. France is a NATO member, as we are.  We’re legally bound to go to their aid.  What do you think will happen, what will Obama do?  (Hermie ~ Goleta, CA)
A. He says that he and other nations are going to work together to bring about political change in Syria.  That’s another outright lie; he had the chance to do that several years ago when the Syrians were marching in the streets looking to get Assad out, and he didn’t respond.  Obama is totally in fear of taking any significant action against any Muslim; any other president would already be calling up the troops and calling for an emergency joint-session of Congress.  The only joint Obama seems to be familiar with is of the smoking kind. 


“I don’t think they’re gaining strength.  What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them.” ~ Barack Hussein Obama to ABC’s George Stephanopolous regarding I.S.I.S. on November 12, 2015.    


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