Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Fifteen people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, including 4 teenagers and a senior citizen.   

One of the reasons you didn’t hear a peep about it is that Obama just finished speaking there, telling the country how we need to have gun laws more like Chicago’s.  If the news of the day doesn’t fit their narrative or agenda, their media is prohibited from reporting on it. 
Q. I think the liberal media has far outgrown its britches and that what it did to the Republican debate on CNBC was despicable.  Do you agree?  (Maureen ~ Denver, CO
A. Everyone involved was at fault.  CNBC knew in advance what the questions were going to be and did not alter them.  The moderators, of course, knew.  The candidates had ceded their authority to negotiate debate parameters over to the RNC and the RNC didn’t protect the candidates from a liberal attack.  Finally, Americans continued to sit in front of their tubes, mesmerized, instead of switching channels.  I fully support any candidate or organization that has the guts to stand up to the liberal media and take them to task for their fundamentally un-American ways.   

Q. What do you think about the government spending $43 million to build a $500,000 gas station in Afghanistan?  (Dooley ~ Gallup, NM)
A. Boy, have I got news for you.  The Department of Defense, which built the station, says it doesn’t know anything about the project.  On top of that, they just destroyed 16 cargo planes that cost them $486 million and then sold the scrap metal for          $32,000.  But, we’re not done yet.  They built a $36 million facility in Afghanistan that the military says it never needed.  And, by the way, the government wants to raise our taxes. 

Q. Why do we allow Volkswagen to import cars when they don’t meet our standards?  (Vern ~ Yakama, WA)
A. Some of their cars are manufactured in Tennessee.  Others are manufactured in Mexico and, as you know, the United States is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mexican drug cartel. 

“Global warming is caused by hot air balloons.” ~ Unknown Scribbler


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