Wednesday, November 18, 2015


California’s Governor Jerry Brown says California will gladly accept Syrian refugees with open arms. 

I think Moonbeam has been smoking too much weed again.  Nobody around Burney Mountain wants any of these Syrian refugees in their neighborhood.  Brown’s willingness to accept Syrian refugees is an about-face from his attitude in the 1970s when he strongly complained that the federal government wanted to “dump Vietnamese” on California. 

Q. Several newscasters have begun to refer to Obama as being “delusional” regarding I.S.I.S.  Do you think it is really possible that we have a nutcake in the White House?  (Bennie ~ Saratoga, CA)
A. If you rule that possibility out, the only possible remaining explanation for his behavior is that he is deliberately trying to sabotage the United States.  In either event, he needs to be removed before more, possibly irreversible damage is done.   

Q. Yesterday, you said that every American who has a concealed weapons permit should be actively carrying at all times.  Do you really believe it has come to that?  (Corey ~ Lewiston, ID)
A. Absolutely.  You never know when or where they are going to strike.  I’d much rather carry my gun around for days, weeks, months… even years, as I have… without ever needing to use it, than to need it just once and not have it. 

Q. Do you think all Muslims are terrorists?  (Bernice ~ Ashland, OR)
A. Not the dead ones.  How many Muslims do you see stepping forward to denounce I.S.I.S. or to volunteer service in the military?  C.A.I.R. is quick to proclaim that we cannot blame them, but you don’t see them taking any proactive steps to stop this carnage. 

“Every normal person, in fact, is only normal on the average.  His ego approximates to that of the psychotic in some part or other and to a greater or lesser extent.” ~ Sigmund Freud


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