Friday, November 13, 2015


A couple of years ago, Harry Reid and his son made a colossal mistake in trying to use the BLM to force Cliven Bundy off his land near Overton, Nevada, so that they could make a land grab there and go into partnership with some Chinese outfit in the solar energy business.  Just recently, a federal court put the skids on a wind-turbine project to be installed on land near Searchlight, Nevada.   The court cited a flawed report by the BLM regarding the Harry Reid sponsored project that would have been built on 18,949 acres of federally owned land managed by the BLM near Lake Mead National Recreation Area and Searchlight. 

Harry Reid likes to boast that he’s from Searchlight.  If you’ve ever been there, it’s not really anything to brag about.  Some of the locals will tell you that the only reason he’s in Washington is that they chased him out of town and told him to get as far away as possible.  There’s another huge scandal waiting to ooze out regarding Reid, Obama and their corporate cronies on this deal.    

Q. Do you really think we should be deporting all of those illegal aliens? Are you against immigration?  (Rodriguez ~ Salinas, CA)
A. I have nothing against legal immigration.  But, when it comes to law, to me law is black and white and any areas of gray need to be decided by a court… not by some imbecilic government lackey whether he resides in the White House or not.  So yes, in the absence of Congressional action to the contrary, they need to be deported… period. 

Q. They’re turning up the heat on Hillary and her email scandal.  I’m sure the Democrats don’t really want Bernie Sanders as their candidate, so what will they do if Hillary gets knocked out?  (Pauline ~ Camp Verde, AZ)
A. Put Michelle on the ballot. 

Q. What’s going on at Planned Parenthood these days?  (Geoff ~ Portland, OR)
A. Well, you know that the president, Cecile Richards, claims that the furor over their dissection of fetuses and selling of body parts is just a Republican sham aimed at preventing millions of women from getting female medical help.  A whistleblower has come forward and accused Planned Parenthood of buying contraceptives for $3 and billing the government $35 for the same package.  According to Richards, everything is on the “up and up,” but she fails to complete the thought… “up and up our rear ends.” 

“People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” ~ Isaac Asimov


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