Friday, November 6, 2015


As you know, U.S. warplanes bombed a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan.  Even after staff members got the U.S. on the phone and told them to quit the damned attack, the bombs kept coming.  Now we learn that as the staff tried to escape from the hospital, our planes started firing bullets at them.  The U.S. originally claimed our planes had come under fire, and then changed the story to say Afghan officials had requested the strike because members of the Taliban were suspected to be in the hospital. 

We'll undoubtedly get the real story right after we get the real scoop on Fast & Furious, the Benghazi Massacre and the Kennedy Assassination. 
Q. I’m upset that we’re bringing in foreigner refugees and we don’t have enough jobs for our citizens as it is.  (Doyle ~ Franktown, NV)
A. See MY AMERICAN OPINION.  On top of that, we are allowing foreigners to come here to work under various State Department programs, thereby taking more jobs out of our economy.  In many of those cases, the money they make gets sent back to their families in their countries of origin.  I think we need to stop all immigration to this country until we resolve our economic problems and get people back to work.  Let’s start by sending Obama back to Kenya. 

Q. Are gun sales still running high?  (Brad ~ Redding, CA)
A. There were almost 2 million sold in October, up 373,000 from the same time period last year.  People are learning that they need protection from criminals and the cops just can’t get there in time.  The more guns purchased in the country, the lower the violent crime rate becomes.  These days, with so many people carrying concealed weapons, the last thing you want to say out loud in public is: “Shoot!!!” 

Q. Did I hear that Iran is having a big holiday to celebrate the 1979 seizing of our U.S. Embassy there?  (Judith ~ Yuba City, CA)
A. Yes.  And they’ve recently been taking more hostages.  Just wait until they get their hands on nukes.  Then, instead of yelling “Shoot,” they’ll be yelling “Launch!!!”

“Scandal is an importunate wasp, against which we must make no movement unless we are quite sure that we can kill it; otherwise, it will return to attack more furious than ever.” ~ Nicolas Chamfort


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