There was some indication yesterday that Al Qaeda and
I.S.I.S. have become blood enemies and are fighting each other for control of
the Jihadist movement. Islamic militants
who poured into the embattled nation to help the Free Syrian Army in its bid to
topple Dictator Bashar Assad are now fighting Assad, the rebels and each other
in a barbaric free-for-all. At the center is the split between Al Qaeda’s
regional affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra, and the newly emerged Islamic State, which
are fighting each other on the battlefield and in the war for recruits to the
cause of Islamic terrorism, according to FOX
Once again, one is tempted to leave well-enough-alone and
let them battle with each other; we can deal with the victor later. That’s not a viable strategy because they are
both still intent on bringing the U.S. to its collective knees. And, another anniversary of 9/11 is just
around the corner. More and more it
becomes apparent that OUR strategy as citizens needs to be to kick the
Democrats out of the Senate and the House in November and to proceed to impeach
Obama for his numerous and egregious violations of his duties under the
Constitution. Even Joe Biden will be
better than this chowderhead.
Q. I understand the “thought police” have the government establishing
an agency to pursue misinformation on Twitter and to rein the culprits in. Isn’t that a violation of the free speech
amendment? (Carlos ~ Milpitas, CA)
A. Not if you are an Obamacrat. There are no rules for Obama or his minions;
everything is up for grabs. The
President now has the power to bar you from the Internet, you know; could you
get along without Facebook?
Q. Paul Ryan says he and his fellow Republicans are not
going to let the I.R.S. scandal go away.
What do you think? (Vickie ~
Barstow, CA)
A. What about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the N.S.A., the
V.A., the D.O.J.? Obama has consistently
out-maneuvered the House and the Republican Party and has never been held accountable for his actions. Unless something changes in the halls of
Congress, what makes Ryan think he’s going to get answers and justice on the
I.R.S. misdeeds? Is everybody in Washington on weed?
Q. Why is Jimmy Carter speaking at a fundraiser for
Hamas? (Eugene ~ Ogden, UT)
A. Because Obama has a golf date. Neither one of them has any love for
Israel. Yet, these anti-Semitics have no
qualms about calling the rest of us racists.
“Racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, sexism, anything Nazi
and a boatload of other things have no place in my life.” ~ Sandra Bullock
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