Monday, August 18, 2014


A new satellite, claimed to be the most sophisticated one ever launched, is now orbiting 385 miles overhead.  It can count the number of chickens in your back yard and pick out the roosters.  Fortunately, it’s not a government spy satellite, as least not at the moment.  It is privately owned and intended for use by scientists, such as geologists, biologists, etc. 

Given the fact that it can read your license plate, how long do you think it will be before the F.B.I., N.S.A., and I.R.S. start wanting to use it?  All it needs now is infra-red capabilities and there is virtually nowhere you can hide.  It’ll even know if you have a gun and what brand of beer you buy. 

Q. More and more we see government agencies acting like storm troopers going after the little guy.  Even local police and sheriff departments are loading up with military equipment and they are using it with little or no provocation.  What is this all leading to?  (Jack ~ Englewood, CO)
A. Let’s not stop the discussion there.  What about the N.S.A. spying on everything you do, while the C.I.A. and N.S.A. don’t seem to be keeping the President in the intelligence loop?  Why are they so willing to use these things against US when they are so reluctant to use them against our enemies? 

Q. What do you think about the Texas Grand Jury indictment of Governor Rick Perry for his abuse of veto power?  (Lawrence ~ Galveston, TX)
A. You either have the power to veto or you don’t; if you have it, you have the right to exercise it.  Therefore, there can be no abuse.  If somebody doesn’t like the fact that you vetoed something dear to their heart, the proper answer is at the ballot box.  Now then, let’s talk about Executive Orders.  Executive Orders are meant to deal with issues that have not been legislated, that are not law, or to provide directives for branches of the Executive Branch to deal with certain things in certain ways.  They are not meant to give the authority to change law or ignore law.  So, where is the Federal Indictment against Barack Hussein Obama for abuse of Executive Orders?  This whole thing stinks worse than a five day old fish in the passenger’s seat of a sewage truck; even some top Democrats agree. 

Q. Representative Mike Rogers, who is Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, says we are at a greater risk for a terrorist attack than before 9/11.  That’s scary.  Why does he say that?  (Roberto ~ Des Plaines, IL)
A. The terrorists have grown in numbers, they have had some sophisticated training in weapons and techniques, they have easier access to get into the country across the Mexican border, and we have a President who believes they have already been defeated. 

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” ~ Albert Einstein


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