Tuesday, August 19, 2014


A substantial amount of cash has been drained from some accounts of those missing on Malaysian Air Flight MH370.  The cash, involving four accounts at the same bank, was taken using ATM’s and transfers.  Funds were transferred from three accounts to the fourth and then moved to someplace else, not yet known. 

Although two bank employees are under investigation, a Pakistani national is also under investigation.  It seems to me that you need an ATM card to perform transactions at an ATM; could this mean the plane is, as I have suspected, on the ground in Pakistan?  How else would they get the cards?  I don't think Bush did it. 

Q. How would you handle the situation in Ferguson?  (Lou ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. Start by sealing off the town and chasing out the out-of-towners; no one gets in unless they live or work there; that includes the press and media.  Put a 24-hour curfew on the town for 48 hours; no one on the streets unless they are going to or coming from work or school.  Then sit the leaders of the various parties in these issues down and have a dialogue.   

Q. The other day, law enforcement officials frisked golfers at the Vineyard Golf Club so Obama could play through.  What do you think?  (Wally ~ Hartford, CT)
A. When it comes to the security of the President, I give wide berth to the Secret Service and other lawmen charged with his protection; I don’t have a problem with that.  I do have a problem with his playing through golfers in front of him unless they are slow players or in trouble with errant shots, in which case anybody should be waived through.  Other than that, other golfers paid for their rounds and, unless forewarned, are entitled to enjoy them without some nincompoop choosing to play through on the taxpayer’s dime. 

Q. I hear Al Gore got short-changed on his deal to sell Current TV to Al Jazeera?  (Myron ~ Boise, ID)
A. That’s what he is alleging in a new lawsuit filed against the buyers.  I suspect no one is watching the network and advertising revenues are lower than forecast.  Or, I suppose the lack of payment could be caused by global warming. 

“Go straight down the road, to do what is best, and to do it frankly and without evasion.” ~ George C. Marshall


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