Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Naval Secretary Ray Mabus attended a ceremony at the Washington Naval Yard yesterday and spoke briefly about the shooting tragedy.  In doing so, he alluded to how the tragedy had affected the Naval “Family.”  This seems to be the new road of “change” that is being impressed upon the nation by the Obama reign.  A recent news release by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius reads: “While our federal family is becoming better prepared to support the nation, we know that being truly resilient requires the whole community coming together.” 

So, now that we’re all family, that gives our parents in Washington the authority to dictate where we live, how we live, what we do for a living, who we work for and what fraternal organizations we can belong to.  That, of course, explains why the N.S.A. simply must have that vast data storage and processing center in Utah to keep track of us.  

Q. I see FOX NEWS is changing everything around.  What gives?  (Nellie ~ Vista, CA)
A. Things change over time.  The advent of THE BLAZE channel has brought a new dynamic to the news media.  FOX NEWS must regret parting with Glenn Beck, because he heads THE BLAZE.  Roger Ailes is a respected and cunning manager, and the changes he are instituting will help restore FOX to the role of prominence it has enjoyed in the past, he hopes.  Greta Van Sustern will start the evening “prime time” at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, followed by Bill O’Reilly at 8:00 PM, Megyn Kelly at 9:00 PM and Sean Hannity at 10:00 PM.  I would have moved O’Reilly at 3:00 AM and put Judge Napolitano in the 8:00 PM slot. 

Q. Everyone knows what a great job under adverse conditions our military performs for our country.  Now I hear that Obama is planning to slash their pay?  (Suet ~ Seattle, WA)
A. Obama has made no secret of his disdain for the military.  The first move he made after assuming the Presidency was to try and force the military personnel to pay for their own medical care.  He is also working to prevent retired military personnel from collecting retirement pay until they reach the age of 65.  By Federal Law, the military gets a 1.8% pay increase every year.  Obama has cut that by issuing yet another dictatorial Executive Order to 1%.  And he wants our military to go into Syria?    

Q. I heard that major companies are canceling insurance benefits for their retirees?  (Saundra ~ Ogden, UT)
A. Not quite true.  They are, however, working to force their insurance programs for retirees onto the ObamaCare regimen, thereby cutting their costs significantly and in most cases reducing insurance coverage.  While retiree health benefits have been shrinking for years, the newest cutbacks may quickly become the norm. About 44 percent of companies plan to stop administering health plans for their former workers over the next two years. 

“If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.” ~ George Bernard Shaw


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