Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Netanyahu has had the unpleasant opportunity of watching Obama’s handling of the Syrian crisis. 

He saw that Obama waffled and floundered and then let Putin pick up the pieces.  He saw Putin say that he was giving Iran a missile defense system and some missiles of its own, followed by the promise of a Russian-built nuclear reactor as a gift for Iran.   Now, as far as Israel is concerned, the “red line” has truly been drawn.  If it is going to act to protect itself, it has to do so before the Russian installations are completed.  There have been no warnings from Obama to Russia not to interfere in Iran or to make good on its promises. Bye-Bye Israel? 

Q. The U.N. team has now concluded that a very deadly form of nerve gas was used in Syria.  Do you think that will change any of the current strategy?  (Randy ~ La Mirada, CA)
A. No.  I think all of the players knew what the U.N. team was going to conclude, although they were not saying so.  There is no way Obama can ratchet things up again now until something fails with the “Putin Initiative.” 

Q. A couple of years ago, Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. credit rating, although they had been warned by White House officials not to do so.  Now, I understand that the government has filed a lawsuit against S&P.  Can they win?  (Nancy ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. Standard & Poor’s alleges the $5 billion lawsuit is in retaliation for the downgrading.  In its lawsuit, the government accused S&P of inflating ratings to win more fees from issuers, and failing to downgrade collateralized debt obligations despite knowing they were backed by deteriorating residential mortgage-backed securities.  The issuance of a credit rating is simply a matter of opinion, although generally based upon interpretation of certain facts.  Just because someone says you have excellent credit does not mean that you will not file bankruptcy tomorrow.  I think the government will have to prove that the ratings issued by S&P were malicious and done solely for monetary gain. 

Q. What is your opinion of the shootings in Washington [yesterday]?  Was it terrorism?  (Greta ~ Portland, CA)
A. Of course, there was terror on the part of all of the victims.  As of this posting, I don’t have enough information to give a good answer.  I am inclined to think thus was a lone nut, but there is still one suspect out there to be considered.  By the time you read this, they may have determined if there really was a second suspect; they’ve already ruled out one guy.  Unfortunately, as I understand it, the facility had a rule that only law enforcement could carry weapons, so everyone there was a sitting duck just like in that theater in Colorado. 

“If Russia rises, it means that the USA falls down.” ~ Vladimir Zhirinovsky


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