Tuesday, September 3, 2013





Q. I hear Joe Biden is really pushing gun control.  What is he doing?  (Seth ~ Torrance, CA)
A. He’s been busy writing new Executive Orders for Obama to sign, making speeches, and calling each and every member of Congress who opposes gun control to tell them they’d better do what he and Obama tell them to or they are going to regret it. 

Q. In light of what has happened the last few days, do you think we will go head and attack Syria or not?  (Beth ~ Los Alamos, NM)
A. Unfortunately, I am afraid we will go ahead.  My vote against it is based on several things.  If it so damned important for us to retaliate, why didn’t we do it the day after the chemical weapons were used?  I know of no legal justification for us to proceed in international law.  The danger of a counter-retaliation against Israel is immense.  The anniversary of 9/11 is upon us; we are inviting an international Jihad on that date.  Russia has indicated it may back Assad; it has told us not to attack and it has moved warships into the Mediterranean.   Egypt and Libya are both about to plunge into anarchy and our action could set the Middle East afire.  At this stage of the game, any attack by us short of invasion and commitment to another war can only be seen as something akin to a fart in a whirlwind.    The proper answer now is to give Obama full power to act in any way he sees fit if chemical weapons are used again. Nevertheless, I'm not aware of any Congress voting against a President who wanted to go to war; it's all about "face," you know.

Q. What do you feel about the claim that our military has been so degraded that we shouldn’t even consider an attack on Syria?  (Marty ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. There have been several idiots who said that.  It is a slap in the face of the military personnel still dedicated to our country.  If there has been any degradation, it is at the leadership level.  We’ve lost a lot of talent under Obama.  How you can have the unmitigated gall to tell your troops that you are going to cut their pay and benefits and then ask them to go bomb anybody, I’ll never know. 


“I'm just very wary that once you start military operations in any country, it's very difficult to predict what the outcome is.” ~ King Abdullah II


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