Sunday, September 22, 2013


Various polls show that as many as 70% of Americans want ObamaCare halted in its tracks.  Cited most often is the horrendous cost of the program, not only to individuals and businesses but to the government as well.  And, of course, there’s the reduction in benefits, the discriminatory application of its provisions, and the fact that Congress has chosen to exempt itself from one of its provisos. 

We’re all familiar with the bad news about ObamaCare.  But, there are two important things that are really, really bad news.  (1) Although every member of Congress huffed and puffed that the first thing they were going to do when they got back from summer break was to “undo” the law they voted for just before they left providing subsidies for themselves and their staffs, the Democrats are now lining up to defeat the “Vitter Bill” which would accomplish just that; (2) It matters not how high a percentage of the people want ObamaCare stopped; Obama is simply not going to allow that to happen.  Plain and simple, he doesn’t give a damned about what you think or want. 
Q. I heard that you can no longer hide money is a secret Swiss bank account?  (Thelma ~ Redding, CA)
A. That’s correct.  The Swiss bowed to international pressure and have been “outing” depositor information for some time.  Law enforcement is going after those who have been hiding money there.  Obama could be arrested any day now. 

Q. Providing aid and comfort to the enemy is no longer against the law?  I thought that was treason?  (Hans ~ Raton, NM)
A. The Fuhrer Obama has seized control of the government and waived that law.  He feels that, as the Resident Fuhrer in Charge, he has the inherent authority to arm terrorists who have brought harm to the United States if he wants to, regardless of any existing law.  His intent is to arm Al Qaeda which, you will recall, brought down the World Trade Center on 9/11.    

Q. With as many people as there are against ObamaCare, how can the Senate realistically refuse to follow the House’s lead to defund it?  (Max ~ Grand Junction, CO)
A. The Libertarian Party is warning the Senate that there may well be a humongous voter backlash in 2014 if they don’t defund ObamaCare.   “Now is the time,” they say. “The president’s approval ratings are low, and voters are learning that Obamacare will impose shockingly high costs and debilitating regulations on taxpayers, businesses, and medical consumers if it takes effect.” Yet, I will be pleasantly surprised if it happens and not surprised when Obama vetoes it.  

“The only interesting thing that can happen in a Swiss bedroom is suffocation by feather mattress.” ~ Dalton Trumbo


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