Friday, March 12, 2010


Nancy Pelosi has, according to “reliable sources,” told Rahm Emanuel to quit setting deadlines for the passage of the health care, admonishing him that he does not run Congress. Yesterday, Pelosi announced that the Health Care Bill will not be passed by March 18th as President Obama and the White House Chief of Staff had decreed. The Queen had the Democrat House Members in a closed-door caucus for most of the day, where it is rumored she has been haranguing and bullying them into line, but she has met with resistance.

Obviously, they don’t currently have the votes in the House necessary to pass the legislation. The delay will give Pelosi and associates time to get ammunition on the recalcitrant members, either through background investigations, bribes with taxpayer money, threats of losing committee assignments, or water-boarding. Don’t count her out; this can still be accomplished before the Easter recess.  Obama desperately wants to give the nation a big fat egg. You know, all sarcasm aside, I don’t think this is really democracy in action; I think it’s more like fascism.

Q. Isn’t there some way we can force politicians to listen to what we have to say? (Charlotte ~ Dallas, TX)
A. The real problem is lobbyists and special interests. With campaign financing being such as it is, lobbyists and special interests have the ability to “buy” what they want and, as long as it’s not their personal money being spent but the taxpayer’s instead, politicians have no problems complying with the wishes of those who donate to their campaigns. I’m of the opinion that we are going to have to find some way to limit campaign spending, even if campaigns become financed by tax money with ceilings attached. The problem still would remain with campaign ads being paid for by corporations, etc; the right to free speech keeps us from shutting that down, but we could restrict it by saying that the media has to give equal time to both sides in a political race.

Q. What’s the ruckus with the Supreme Court all about? (Whitney ~ Carson, CA)
A. The Constitution provides for three separate and distinct branches of our government, being the Executive (President), Legislative (Congress), and Judicial, (Supreme Court). The President is not supposed to run Congress; Obama’s and Emanuel’s power plays are totally out of line. Congress is not supposed to run the President and neither Congress nor the President is supposed to try and run the Supreme Court. As a matter of fact, the mechanics of the Supreme Court are designed to isolate it from all outside pressures including political. The fight is over the Constitutional guarantees of free speech. Congress passed a law restricting corporate donations to political campaigns in the form of advertising. The idea is right on line, but the right to free speech trumps the idea; you can’t prevent such corporate ads in that manner. Obama has called Chief Justice John Roberts and the Supreme Court every name in the book over that decision. Roberts has stood up for the Court and rightfully so; Obama needs to get it through his thick head that he is not the oligarch yet and we Americans will fight any battle we have to fight to keep him from becoming one. He’s acting like a spoiled little tyrant.

Q. What’s your opinion of a National I.D. card? (Pansy ~ South San Francisco, CA)
A. It gives the government more powers over you. If you don’t "shut up and get out of their way," your card gets voided and you can’t even buy groceries. If you think I am being far-fetched, that our government would never allow something like that to happen, look at the coercion being exercised against Members of Congress right now by the President, Pelosi, Reid and Emmanuel on this health care plan. The government is already running rough shod over the country; what do you think will happen if they enact a National I.D. system? They say the card would contain a chip holding information pertinent to your biological identity; would not the next logical step be to just implant a chip in your neck? I know they’re saying this would solve the problem of illegal aliens, but that is no excuse for such a far-reaching law. There are other ways to stop illegal aliens; doesn’t it strike you as odd that the government isn’t using them?

“A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright



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