Baier was hard put to ask a question and to get a straight response. Although he tried to pin the President down, all he got was a “dance like a butterfly” answer. Obama said nothing he hasn’t said before and he skirted around full and direct answers. It was all show and Baier didn’t live up to his task. Obviously, that’s what Obama expected and that’s why he chose Baier for the interview. TODAY’S QUERIES & ANSWERS:
(My apologies to those who submitted questions for yesterday's post.)
Q. They tell me it’s so tense in Washington right now that you could almost slice the air with a knife. Do you think they can pass this damned health care bill by Saturday or Sunday? (Gus ~ Walnut Creek, CA)A. The plain fact is that they are bound and determined to pass it and they know it’s rotten to the core, so they are using every dirty trick in the book to get it done and they don’t care about you and me. Given that frame of mind, they could get it passed by Sunday. Only you can stop it.
Q. I’ve heard from several major networks that all phone lines to Congress are plugged. Doesn’t that mean that we’re ticked off? (Greg ~ Minneapolis, MN)
A. Yes, but you also have to consider the far left calls as well. They are also ticked off. Especially George Soros, and I hear he’s got speed dial.
Q. What do you think about Dennis Kucinich changing his health care vote from “no” to “yes?” (Emma ~ Nashville, TV)
A. I’d feel a lot better about his decision as being an honest and independent decision if he had made it before his flight on Air Force One.
"I'm trying to answer your question and you keep on interrupting." ~ President Obama, in avoiding a question. TODAY’S VIDEO:
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