This is only the beginning of “paying the piper” for decades of extravagant spending by the state legislature and by Washington. “Gimmee, gimmee, gimmee,” has been the demand of those who think a socialistic government should provide everything for us and that capitalism sucks. See where it has led us? Now, I agree that education should be a top priority, but it does happen to rank below law enforcement, fire protection, terrorism, and the national defense in my book, and now we have a President who seems bound and determined to pile on more expenses that will further raid the dwindling state funds and taxpayer pockets. It’s almost as if he is purposely fomenting a revolution. In any event, the students should save their breaths and start digging diligently to find state-run programs that are lower on the priority scale and that can be cut to free up funds for education. You and I know that the legislature does not have the guts to do this job. TODAY’S QUERIES & ANSWERS:
Q. Did I hear that there is a move on in Massachusetts to ban circumcisions and they don’t care what your religious beliefs are? (Gilda ~ Palm Springs, CA)A. The same old story, "Don't get snippy with me." I couldn't resist. Yes, just as there is a move on in southern California to require overweight people to have their food intake restricted. These moves, by the way, are under the guise of the new Health Care Plan. See where this is all going? Yes, more and bigger government control over your life. Barack wants to move in with you.
Q. What do you think about people carrying side-arms in plain sight? (Lauren ~ Washington, DC)
A. Shoot! I think they’re unwise; who do they think they are, Matt Dillon? They are inviting trouble in many ways; what are they going to do if someone sneaks up behind them and grabs their gun? If you have need to carry a side-arm, get a concealed weapons permit. To me, carrying a side-arm in the open is almost like brandishing a weapon and those who do it give those of us who believe in the right to bear arms and who carry concealed a bad name.
Q. You are a senior citizen. Are you upset that the Senate turned down a $250 special check to seniors, disabled, and veterans yesterday? (Stinson ~ Bodega Bay, CA)
A. Number one, what was such a proposition doing tacked on to a jobs stimulus bill? How many jobs am I going to create by spending $250? $250 won’t even buy a cart full of groceries. Second, Obama said that the money was to make up for the fact that we Social Security recipients didn’t get a raise last year. Well, that’s fair. The cost of living did not go up and our Medicare premiums did not go up last year, so why give us $250 to make up? It’s a cheap shot at buying votes, as far as I’m concerned, and an unneeded $13 billion addition to the national debt. If Obama wants to do something really nice, he can send ME the $13 billion; to hell with everyone else. (I’ll share with you…really I will…)
“We are becoming so accustomed to millions and billions of dollars that ‘thousands’ has almost passed out of the dictionary.” ~ Everett DirksenTODAY’S VIDEO:
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