Wednesday, March 3, 2010


We’re going to be $13 trillion in debt within a week or so, and we’re on track to be $22 trillion in debt by 2020. That’s before we add what legislation is in the pipeline to be passed, such as health care, and before we allow for “emergency spending.” On top of that is the potential liability for funding Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae for foreclosures, estimated to be around $400 billion net. Then, there’s the future financial impact of entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security, when their cash registers run out of money. Additionally, the unemployment benefit extension bill being batted around the Senate yesterday contains a secreted reversal of cuts to Medicare payments to doctors under the new Health Care proposals, an amount that should be added to the actual cost of the new plans, but that is being hidden from us.

The federal government has been “borrowing” money from Social Security and Medicare trust funds to the tune of $5 trillion, and it now wants to start cutting benefits because it evidently will not be able to pay that money back. And they want to add more to the problem with the Health Care plans? And, they’re hiding the true costs of that? Do you understand what they are doing to us? They are lying, manipulating and scheming again, and we’re going to be hearing more of this bull today from the President about his “great NEW Health Care Plan.” And, as soon as he gets his way, his “Deficit Reduction Panel” is going to say we have to increase tax revenues? AND STILL NOTHING ABOUT JOBS?

Q. How are the real results of a state operated and mandatory health plan like in Massachusetts? (Hilda ~ Orem, UT)
A. Here’s an answer: “Reform’s been very costly to companies like us,” says Jonathan Morin, comptroller for Intercity Home Care in Salem, Massachusetts. “We’re getting no rate relief. We’ve incurred additional costs for our staff. In the end the workers pay for it.” And they don’t get a raise, either. That’s MORE money going out for mandatory insurance in addition to higher taxes coming down the pike due to our growing national debt.

Q. Why have so many of our jobs gone overseas, and what can we do to get them back? (Martha ~ Alameda, CA)
A. That’s not a complicated question, but the answer sure as hell is. Unions raised wages. Companies couldn’t raise the prices on their products to cover the increased expenses, because then people wouldn’t buy; imports of similar goods could be sold for less because they were being made in countries with lower wages. In order to compete, companies either moved their manufacturing operations overseas where wages were lower, or they simply had overseas companies make their products for them. The second issue was that the U.S. dropped import tariffs that had leveled the playing field in prior years. An answer would be to re-impose the import tariffs, but countries like China and Japan would then quit lending us money. You can thank both the Republicans and the Democrats for this mess.

Q. Obama wants Congress to give rebates to homeowners who make energy saving improvements to their homes. What’s your opinion? (Jorge ~ Alhambra, CA)
A. The homes that need improvement are predominantly owned by lower income families. That includes the unemployed and underemployed who are either in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure or who can’t front the money needed for the improvements. It’s another example of a plan that was not well thought out and it’s not going to help the jobs situation one bit.

“In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress.” ~ John Adams



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