Okay, Your Royal Highness, go ahead and pass it. Let’s see what happens after you do. Judging by the mood of America right now, you and Harry should probably have your pompous fannies on Obama’s plane when he heads for Indonesia…..TODAY’S QUERIES & ANSWERS:
Q. Are you concerned about these American Jihadists that are being caught? (Manly ~ Chico, CA)A. I’m not sure if we’re catching more or if we’re just reporting more. The Bush administration kept most such things under wraps. However, the fact that we’re now catching domestic American terrorists who have turned Jihadist does concern me. Your next door neighbor could be about to become one…
Q. Why do you think Rahm Emanuel failed to give Congress all of the information it requested during his confirmation hearings? (Owen ~ Los Gatos, CA)
A. I don’t know why. I mean, Congress does report to Emanuel and Obama anyway, right? So, what did Emanuel have to fear? I think maybe this is a red herring to get our minds off of the health care plan.
Q. I hear they’re talking about replacing Grant with Reagan on the $50 bill. Why? (Nona ~ Albany, OR)
A. Because Obama declined. He wants to be on the $100 bill.
“A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one.” ~ Benjamin FranklinTODAY’S VIDEO:
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