Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Karl Rove said on Fox News Monday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rules her roost with a fist of iron by threatening to take away committee assignments or to sidetrack funding and making life for a Democrat Congressman totally miserable unless they vote as she directs. He went on to say that the fear she has instilled in them has been painfully evident in past White House meetings.

What’s even worse is that no one has the guts to stand up to her. Any time you do not have freedom of expression and freedom to vote as you see fit, you have rule by totalitarianism and dictatorship. When this situation exists at the very pinnacles of a government, you not only have fascism, but you have corruption of the system as it was designed to work. This allegation needs to be investigated and, if found to be true, it needs to be remedied immediately. Our future as a democratic republic depends on it.

Q. While I really think that some health care reforms are needed, I can’t understand why this continues to be our national priority when we have so many other things of much more importance to deal with. (Betsy ~ Fremont, CA)
A. In order for Obama to establish total control of Congress, he must first impose his will on the American people.

Q. How would you expect the Administration to use all of that stimulus and TARP money it refuses to give back to the treasury? (Art ~ Hoboken, NJ)
A. He continues to allow Americans to be oppressed, thereby robbing them not only of their properties, but also of their self-esteem due to joblessness and unpaid debts. Just before the election, he will turn loose of all of that money in jobs programs and debt bailouts in order to secure the appreciation of the American people who, in turn, will vote for his candidates. That’s how you overthrow a government and, should that happen, it will not be the first time that a government has been overthrown in this manner in the history of the world.

Q. They are making a lot of discoveries of ancient artifacts in the Middle East lately. Do you suppose they’ll ever make similar discoveries of things in North America? (Ike ~ Fallon, NV)
A. How about the many ancient Native American dwellings, for example? And there is no truth to the rumors that the six-foot high head recently discovered in Egypt resembles Barack Obama’s head; his is much larger.  

“Fascism is capitalism in decay.” ~ Vladimir Lenin



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